you deserve to know

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Brayleigh's pov.

One year later.

That night that I stayed with Cam, I never went back home. Jack and I never talked again. I got over him and moved on. I moved into my own place, it was near Cams. He's a great guy, and he's really matured. He takes care of me and I love him.

"Baby, look at meeee." Cam laughed, grabbing my chin and turning my face towards him.

Well matured in the fuckboy way, he's still a child lol.

"I love youuuu." He laughed, kissing me.

"Cam, I love you too." I smiled, kissing him back.

"You better." He laughed, making a duck lips pose.

"And if I don't?" I challenged.

"Then I'll have to beat you up." He laughed, throwing me over his shoulders, and slapping my butt as he threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started grinding.

"Fuck, cam. Stopppp." I laughed, as he climbed off of me.

" love me right?" He pouted.

"Yes, cam. I fucking love you!" I laughed, kissing him.

I grabbed his waist and pulled him closer, sliding my hands down his stomach. I bit my lip, smirking, then turned around and strutted away.

"Fucking tease." He yelled, as he ran after me and tackled me onto the bed.

"You're the best." He smiled, propping himself up on me, so that he was above me.

"And you're amazing, babe." I smiled, kissing him.

Jack's pov.

I walked through the bar, looking for Kynlie.

The loud music was too much.

"JACK? IS THAT YOU?" A voice screamed behind me.

I turned around, searching for the voice.

"Jack, it's me. Cam." He yelled.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snapped.

"She didn't do it." He smiled.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I questioned.

"Kynlie, she didn't do it." He laughed.

"Didn't do what?" I asked again.

"Fuck me." He laughed."Well, not that night at least." He smiled.

"What are you saying?" I questioned.

"You fucked kynlie because you thought brayleigh fucked me. She didn't." He paused. "She came to talk to me about whether or not she should tell you." He smiled.

"Tell me what?" I asked, nervously.

"That her mom died, that's why she beat the shit out of nikki. She found out that night." He took a breath in. "She was scared to tell you. And she was heartbroken."

"Oh my god." I shook my head. "I need to talk to her." I whispered.

"Yeah, not gonna happen. I'm not telling you so that you can get her back. She's mine. I'm telling you this because you deserve to know." He sighed.

"What do you mean she's yours?" I asked.

"I mean we've been together a year today." He admitted, smiling.

"You guys started dating the day after we broke up?" I mumbled.

"Correct." He laughed.


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