Chapter 12

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(Kaitlynn's POV)

    Klaus had me pushed against a wall in less than a second.  "Well, it looks like all of my siblings have betrayed me, hiding my own mate from me.  Looks like Elijah is the only one I can trust, perhaps that's the reason he hasn't been rotting in boxes for the past hundred years like the rest of you."  

    "If I remember correctly, you daggered Elijah right after you broke your curse, right Klaus?"  I smirked at the newly made hybrid.  "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll deal with you in a moment.  So Finn, I had expected this from Bekah and Kol, but not you.  I guess you really are spineless."

    "Niklaus may I remind you that these are your siblings," Elijah finally spoke.

    Klaus sighed, "Leave us."  And with that, everyone left me alone, with Klaus, by myself, with Klaus, wonderful.

    "What do I have to do?" he asked.

    "Excuse me?"

    "What do I have to do to make you stop running?  I've done everything I can think of to make you trust me, but you won't let me in.  I know you love me, I can feel it, but you just can't trust me.  Why?  I've never hurt you, or betrayed you.  I've tried everything to make you happy.  Your brothers are still trying to kill me, but I've yet to lay a finger on them.  All because of you, because you love them, because they're the only family you have, because it would hurt you.  Yet, you still try your hardest to hate me.  Why?  What about me is just so horrible that you could never be with me?"

    "Nik, it's not you-"

    "Don't give me that 'It's not you, it's me crap.'"

    I couldn't help it anymore, I fell to the ground and broke out into tears, "I'm sorry."

    My hands were covering my face and my legs were pulled to my chest.  All I could sob.

    Nik dropped onto the floor beside me and pried my hands from my face, "Sweetheart stop, stop, it's alright, just tell me.  Just tell me what's wrong.  I'll make it better, I'll fix it, just tell me what I need to to."

    I couldn't lie anymore as I stared into his blue orbs, "You can't fix me," I pulled my arms away from him and wrapped them around myself.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "I'm the problem alright, I'm the reason I can't love you, I'm the reason we can't be together."

   "Love you're not making sense."

    I continued to sob, so Nik pulled me to his chest and ran his hand through my hair.

    "Alright love you can tell me when you need to.  You don't have to tell me now or today, take all the time you need.  I'll wait."




Don't freak out, I'm not going to leave you hanging.  I'll update the next few chapters after they're written, which will be in about an hour.  Sorry it's short, I thought it would be more dramatic if I ended it here.

Kaitlynn Salvatore (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now