Chapter 8

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(Kaitlynn's POV)

   Before I could answer my door, my phone dinged at least ten times.  Rebekah was asking me about some ball.  Didn't they stop having those like a hundred years ago?  I opened my door, to find no one there.  I assumed it was just some immature kids and proceeded to close my door, when a white letter caught my eye.  I brought it into the house with me and set it on the table.  Rebekah called me, I answered, with regret.

   "Yellow mellow?" I answered.  I heard laughter- Kol's laughter, in the background.  "What- what in the- nevermind, we are going shopping now for the ball," Rebekah responded.  "What ball are you referring to?" I haven't been to a ball in a long time.  "Nik sent you an invitation, now come pick me up, this house is full of men," Rebekah ordered.  "Bekah, if they weren't your brothers, then you would ecstatic," I laughed.  I heard Kol say , "Yeah Bekah."  "And who said I was even going to this "Ball" or shopping for that matter?"  "I did, now let's go,"  Rebekah was getting impatient, it didn't help that Kol was rambling on about how handsome he was.  "I will go if Kol goes."  Rebekah screamed a no, while I heard Elijah say, "Please take him."  Rebekah told me that if we brought Kol, she wouldn't let me go in Hot Topic.  "Fine, but I'm warning you now, my hair is purple," yes, I dyed my hair purple, deal with it.  "Oh stop making up excuses and get here now," Rebekah hung up on me.

   I was getting sick of people telling me that I looked like Damon.  I was telling Katherine about it and she jokingly told me that I should dye my hair pink.  Well I hate pink, so I improvised.  I actually love the black to purple ombre that the lady did.  (picture up top)  It looks awesome.  I got dressed (pic up top) and read the invitation.  I was inviting me to the, "Mikaelson Family Ball."  I read the invitation, with the bad feeling in my stomach because Rebekah is making me go.  I turned it over to find a note.  "I'm sorry about everything.  Save me a dance? -Klaus."  Really?  I'm supposed to just forgive him.  Hell nah.  I orbed to the Mikaelson mansion, but knocked on the door, because I'm polite.

   Kol answered the door and drug me in, after we reached the living room, he turned to look at me in surprise.  "You really did dye your hair purple, it looks awesome.  It's probably going to give Bekah a shock though."  Kol said twirling a piece of my hair between his fingers.  Klaus walked in and growled at this, Kol immediately dropped my hair and took a step back.  Klaus took a look at my shorts and pushed me against the wall, growling again. 

   "Go change."  "No," I twirled a piece of my hair and stared at it.  "Love, I don't think that you want to make me angry, I don't want you showing off what is for my eyes only.  So go change.  Now!"  "No dad, I'm 18 now, I can do what I want," I love how when he gets angry, his eyebrows furrow and his forehead looks slightly like and down arrow.  What stop Kaitlynn, bad, stop.  I think Klaus could get the gist of what I was think due to my facial expressions, because he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered, "Trying your best to hate me isn't working so well, is it love?"  I glared at the ground.  He caught me by surprise when he kissed me very softly on the lips.  I tried to slap him, but he caught my hand.  "Don't touch me, you white crayon," I tried to push him off of me, but he wouldn't budge.  He smiled at my insult and stroked my hair, "I like your hair, purple suits you."  I smiled, "You should, I paid for it with your credit card."  "You know I've been looking for that, and wondering when I raided an ATM in Oklahoma, and went shopping at Victoria's Secret."  I gasped, "Klaus, you need to get that fetish under control," everyone in the room started laughing.  Don't ask me why they are just watching us like we are cable.

   "Would you two knock it off, I don't enjoy my brother hitting on my best friend, and my best friend secretly liking it," thanks Rebekah, I can always count on you to not make things more awkward.  Klaus looked at me in amusement.  "You know what, Kol is now my best friend," Kol jumped up and screamed, "Loser!" at Bekah.  "Why are all of you just watching us?  Don't you have anything better to do?"  I hate it when people stare at me.  Gay pirate, who doesn't look like a gay pirate anymore but I refuse to call him anything else, spoke first, "None of us have found our mates yet, so it's nice to see what it's like."  "I am not his mate, gay pirate man."  "Did you just call my brother gay pirate?" Elijah asked me.  The room was filled with laughter.  "He is certainly your mate, I should know, I'm the one who cast the spell," a woman, who I could only presume was Ester, walked in.  "Well can you un-cast it?"  "Certainly not, after the spell starts to take effect, it is irreversible.  It is no wonder that Niklaus is mated to the most powerful witch, even more powerful than me.  Fascinating."

  "Bekah, we're leaving," Klaus put his arm around my waist from behind and pulled me back.  "Klaus, I am leaving, and if you don't let me, I will bite you."  "I look forward to it, love."  "Nik, we are leaving," finally Bekah.  "Fine, I will see you at the ball," Klaus walked out of the room.  "What took you so long to help me out?  Dude, girl code."  "Kait, you are his mate, we're not supposed to step in, and you kind of seem to be warming up to him," Kol tried not to make me angry but he failed.  "I do not like him in any way, shape, or form, and I never will.  If I ever did, it would be because of some spell cast a thousand years ago."  Ester spoke this time, "The mate bond gets stronger the more you like him.  You can blame the mate bond all you like, but the truth is, you're slowly starting to love him, maybe slowly, but soon you will feel the full mate bond."


I know I said that I would update yesterday (which was only 50 minutes ago), but there's a lot of storms and flooding in my area.  My electricity turned on and off about twenty times.  I wrote a really long chapter, but it kept getting deleted (I'm very pissed), that is why the chapter is short.  I will write the next one tomorrow.  GO VOTE FOR THE BOOK COVER!  I WILL HOLD THE NEXT CHAPTER HOSTAGE UNTIL MORE PEOPLE VOTE!

Kaitlynn Salvatore (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now