Chapter 13

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(Kaitlynn's POV)

    "Are you alright now love?"

    I nodded my head.

    "Can you tell me now?" he grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

    "I told you that my father beat me, but I never told you the rest of it.  For starters," I stopped and looked down.  Can I really tell him this?

    Nik rubbed my arm, "It's alright love, you can tell me anything, you can trust me."

    "He used to sell me to his friends for the night, to make some extra money.  But I never remembered.  He had a witch, Grace working for him, who would wipe my memories after every night, and every beating.  To explain my bruises, they had told me that I had an illness, that made bruises show up all over my body, and I was stupid enough to believe them.  I had actually gotten my powers at birth, but he wouldn't allow me to have them, so Grace made a bracelet for me.  It wouldn't allow me to use my powers while I had it on, and only my father could take it off.  It also made me vulnerable to her magic so she and my father could control me, and wipe my memories.  The day I told Katherine, Stefan, and Damon, was the day that father was going to add more links to it, because I had grown too big for it.  After my father had taken it off and turned away to grab his tools, I saw everything, my powers, the beatings, the rape, everything.  I was so horrified, I ran to my brothers.  I thought that they could help me, but I was wrong.  I only told them about the beatings, I feared that they would hate me if they knew I had powers.  I also couldn't gather the courage to tell them the other part.  Stefan took me right back to father, who was furious.  As soon as Stefan left, father beat me almost to death.  He left me laying on the ground of his workshop, I still don't know if he left me for dead, or he was going to come back for me.  Katherine found me, and gave me her blood to heal me.  She was so furious, she killed father in a matter of seconds after I told her.  After I had healed, Katherine destroyed the bracelet, but she couldn't find Grace."

    "Did you ever find her?" Nik was furious after hearing the story.

    "I remember, one night, I overheard father talking to her, until they found me and wiped my memories.  They were speaking of a prophecy, but I didn't believe it."

    "What prophecy, Kaitlynn?"

    "The prophecy was about you and me, the original hybrid, and the only luxor known to mankind, would be soulmated.  That was it, no rituals needed or anything.  Of course, my father was furious.  He refused to let me be with a vampire or werewolf, much less a mix of both.  But Grace cast a spell, she put herself to sleep, and somehow, she would wake if I ever confessed my love to my mate.  She said that she would kill him and end all vampires.  She hated vampires with a passion so she made it her life's mission to kill them all and when she found out about you, she saw her chance."

    "How does she have that amount of power?"

    "She killed other witches, and she trapped their souls in the crystal she wears around her neck.  By trapping their souls, she could access their powers."

    "Why couldn't you tell me any of this before?  I understand you were scared to tell me about your father, but why not the witch?"

    "I thought it was fake, they were both pretty insane.  I also didn't believe you were my mate, and when I did, I was almost positive that I could never love you."

    "So where is she?"

    "They put her in a tomb not far from the falls."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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