The Dweeb

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Natalie Kabra was walking with her brother, Ian Kabra. Natalie kept asking Ian if he liked Amy, the answer was always no. Finally, Ian had broke through the wall of annoyance and asked Natalie a question.
"What about you, Natalie? Do you like Dan? Because you keep asking me the same damn question for thirty minutes! I swear to God, if you ask me that question again, I will throw you in our lion pit!" Ian snapped at her. Natalie's face grew red. She was pretty sure she was heating up.
"N-no, d-dear brother. I'm s-sorry." She lied, stuttering. She always have had a crush on Dan the first time the 39 Clues started. She liked his childish act. She thought he looked cute. The way Amy had treated Dan made her feel sorry for the little guy.
"Earth to Natalie? I see your guy of dreams doing what he calls, 'Kung Fu.' He looks very dumb, Natalie," Ian told her. "Tell me, Natalie. Do you like Dan?" Ian asked suspiciously. He grinned.
"Will you tell?" Natalie asked.
"Of course not, Natalie." Ian answered.
"First, tell me your feelings for Amy," Natalie said. "Then, I'll tell you my feelings for Dan. Okay?"
Okay so there were EXACTLY 200 words lol. Sorry it's so short, heh. Next one is coming soon, since all I have to do is copy and paste. I will probably post the next one when there is at least 30 to 50 people reading this. Lol, I know, I'm evil. Bai!
-Paelen from Pegasus

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