The Talk

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"We're leaving. Right Dan?" Amy announced. She looked back and saw no one. Dan wasn't there. She looked at Ian. He shrugged.
"Me and Natalie are also leaving." Ian said. He looked behind him and saw no Natalie. He panicked and breathed for air.
"Oh stop. It's not like you haven't seen Natalie for an hour."
"We have been arguing for an hour!"
They both search for Natalie and Dan. Both yelling out their names. They finally found them. Amy and Ian was horrified. Both mouths fell open in shock.


"God." Amy finished. She wanted to strangle the two, push Dan into Natalie's head so he could pass out. Amy was so angry, she couldn't express words. Ian bent down and grabbed a stick and broke it in half. She looked at Ian. He had an angry face on. He looked like grumpy cat, but not quite. His face crimson red. Amy laughed at the silly expression. He turned at her with thunderous eyes, making eye contact. Amy stopped laughing immediately and cleared her throat. Natalie and Dan heard the crack and turned to see two teens who now hate them.
"I, umm, well, you see," Dan staggered. "Stupid Dan! Why did I do it? I'm. Such. An. Idiot!" He mumbled to himself while slapping his palm against his forehead repeatedly. Natalie put down his red hoodie and started to explain.
"It was my fault. I forced Danny boy to come here. I am sorry Ian and Amy for your anger. But it was worth it." The last sentence made Dan shiver inside. She called me Danny boy? What the f- He didn't finish his thought. Ian interrupted his thought by grabbing Natalie and giving her a piggyback ride.
"I know how you hate piggybacks, but today this is your punishment for kissing the puny dweeb." Ian said.
"Let me go, you red rump baboon!" Natalie screeched. She tried to fall and strangle him to make him fall and loosen his grip, but nothing worked. Ian just stood there watching Natalie do her worst. He sighed in annoyance.
"Done?" Ian asked. Natalie sighs. But an evil smile creeps upon her face. She pretends to hug her brother, but instead she chokes his neck, leading him to cough.
"Ian!" Amy cries. Amy runs to Ian, telling Natalie to let go.
"Aww, Ian's lovesick girlfriend is here to save him. Bleh." The last word Natalie said left her pretending to gag. Once Ian broke his grip, Natalie hopped down calmly as if nothing happened. Ian was left coughing for air. Natalie ran off again and grabbed Dan's hand.
"Come on, we don't have much time." Natalie whispered. Dan narrows his eyes. Natalie rolls her eyes. She shoves on his hoodie and kissed his cheek and grabs his hand. They finally go far away from the lovebirds, and settle themselves. Dan looks around, confused. Then he looks at Natalie. Natalie pats the sand next to her, signaling him to sit next to her. Dan nods and sits down. He smiles, Natalie blushes.
"So," Dan says, in his dreamiest voice possible. "How do you like me, when I instead like ninjas? I also suck in dinner time. I catapult my mashpotatoes on a spoon when Amy asks for seconds." Dan jokes. Natalie laughs softly.
"Because of your voice, your act, your adorable looks, and you're caring." Natalie confesses. Natalie cups her mouth. Did I really say that out loud? To Dan? She thinks. Natalie looks down. Embarrassed. Dan notices her cheeks. He brushes away her hair from her eyes. Natalie moves her head ever so slightly to make eye contact with Dan. His beautiful, jade green eyes stares into hers. He cups his hand around her cheek, and pulls her close. He kisses her. It's indescribable.
They finally let go after three seconds. Dan smirks, and Natalie giggles. Dan shuffles through his backpack. He brings out colorful and beautiful roses. Ons rose is red, another rose is white, another is blue, green, pink, and purple. A bouquet of colorful roses in his hand. He kneels down on one knee. Natalie gasps.
"Natalie, would you love to be my one and forever one, girlfriend?" Dan smiles. In one word, Natalie says..........
Sorry I have to end it this way. It's coming soon, I swear, But I still have to type it up lol sorry.... No hard feelings?

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