The Answer

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     I'm bringing anticipation.

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     "No!" Natalie spat. Dan felt hurt. He stood up so he could be facing Natalie. His cheeks flamed in sadness. "Really?" Dan asks, barely a whisper. His eyes getting misty. "What was that kiss? P-please, N-N-Natalie-" That was the last sentence Dan said before his tears fell down. No loud sobbing, but his tears was clearly visible. That was when Natalie broke down in laughter.
     "W-what's s-so f-funny?" Dan asks, furiously wiping away his watery eyes. "Is this a j-joke to you?" Dan shot at her.
     "Yes! I'm just acting, Daniel. I'm a Lucian. Just know, you're so cute!" Natalie says, running into Dan for a hug. Instead, they both fall and Natalie ends up on top of Dan.
     "Oops, I'll move-" Natalie blushes.
     "No." Dan says, sitting up a little.
     "What?" Natalie flicks her hair.
     "I said no, Lucian."
     "B-but, why? Do you like me on you?" Natalie purrs. Dan blushes.
     "Because, what, Daniel?"
     "Becauss I will." And Dan smashes his lips against hers. Natalie pushes them closer, deepening the kiss. They start making out, but not in an adult way. Slowly. Dan no longer stiffens. He knows.
     "I'll wait." Dan says pulling apart.
     "Till what?" Natalie asks, sad that Dan departured from the kiss.
     "Until dawn." And they kissed again.

(No more Datalie at this moment. Sorry!)

     Amy and Ian's part of the story while Natalie took off with Dan.

     "Ian! Ian, are you okay? Ian!" Amy rushes over to Ian. Ian still chokes from Natalie "hugging" Ian.
     "Um! Um! What do I do? What do I do to help you?" Amy paces, her hands on her head.
     "Amy, come here," Ian says, coughing a little.
     "Yeah? What?" Amy knelts beside the choking Ian. Amy has never been this close to the Kabra since... Korea... Amy shook away the thought.
     Ian sits up and cups his hand on her cheek. Ian gives her an innocent kiss on the lips before smirking the famous Kabra smirk. "You... Y-You were lying about the ch-choking?" Amy stuttered. She cursed herself for it actually coming out.
     "Yes. Well, not exactly. Her tries were no use. It only lasted 5 seconds." Ian said. But his face fell a few seconds later.


     "Amy, look. I loved you since Paris and Korea. Even Australia. I loved you everywhere in the clue hunt. My mother's words were nothing to stop me from ever stopping me love you. Amy, join me. What I did back in the cluehunt was nothing compared to me now. Everyone thinks of me as an outcast. A toleration. A joke. A Kabra. I couldn't control myself. Now, believe me, you have my full trust. If you still trust me, Love." Ian confessed. Amy's blush was on full power now. "I love it when you blush." Ian smirked. Amy felt like her face was about to explode. Amy smiles and laughs softly.
     "Look, Kabra. This isn't over. Evan is still my boyfriend, and you are a relative of mine. If you want to be my weird, relative, cousin, or whatever, so be it. If I find you injecting poison on Evan's shoulder, so be it. You'll never win my love. Now, lets go find Dweeb and Natalie, love?" Amy says, surprised her stutter wasn't out. The last sentence gets Ian up and energized. "Are you gonna be okay if my Dweeb is making out with Miss Spoiled Brat?" Amy asks. Ian chuckles. "Sir Dweeby is okay with Miss Spoiled Brat, Love." Ian says, teasing her with the name again. He kisses Amy's cheek and it makes Amy stop and think. She turns around, her hair flicking, and her lips dive into Ian's. Ian's surpirsed mmph! was muffled against Amy's tender lips. They stop after a while and Amy tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.
     "Sorry. Couldn't help myself, Kabra." Amy smirks and runs off to the beach. Amy stops and takes out her phone to take a picture of the beautiful horizon. Purple, yellow, and orange filled the sky. When Amy takes her phone down from the sky to check the picture, Ian comes behind her and hugs her intensely from behind. Ian puts his chin on her shoulder and smiles. Amy takes a selfie of them and smiles. "Love you Kabra!" She whispers in his ear.
     "Will Ian know this?"
     "No, Cobra."
     "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?"
     Dan took out his iPhone 5 and took a pretty picture of Ian and Amy. Amy had her phone out and Ian is hugging her from behind. Dan sees her whispering something in Ian's ear.
     "No fair!" Dan exclaims to only a level Natalie can hear.
     "What?" Natalie asks, purring up to put her head on Dan's shoulder.
     "I can't hear what Amy's saying!" Dan yells. Dan and Natalie are just 30 feet to Amy and Ian's left and they'll see them.
     "Should I tell them we are here Danny?" Natalie purrs, snaking up to Dan's face. "Um, sure-"
     "AMY! IAN! HELLO!" Natalie waves frantically to Ian and Amy's way. Ian stops hugging Amy and Amy looks at them. Dan facepalms. "Damn you, Natalie." Natalie turns back at Dan with a wide smile. "Did it work?" Natalie asks.

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