The Conversation

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Ian and Amy hurried over to Dan and Natalie. Dan face palmed. "Natalie, you God damn annoy me so much..." Natalie grinned. "Call me Lucian, shame on you. Call me twice, poisen for two." Amy's eyes narrowed. "Wait, two-?"
"Enough about poisen! Natalie shrieked. Her eyes landed on her brother. "Now, Mr. Cahill. Have anything to say?" Dan piped in. "I ain't married!"
"Not you, dweeb," Amy smacked Dan in the back of his head. "Yew! Dat hurths!" Dan says, after Amy smacked him and bit his tongue. Ian was still quiet. "My babies are hungry, Ian."
"You... You... You have babies?" Amy said, shocked. "No, Amyyy. Poisens." Dan corrected. "And how the heck did you know that?" Amy snapped. "I... uhh..."
Natalie rolls her eyes. "Ian!" Ian snaps. "Yes?" Ian says. Natalie's face curves into a sinister look.
"You and Bookworm!" She yells.
"Natalie!" Amy shrieks. Any charges at Natalie. Natalie's eyes go wide, shocked Amy would go this far.
"Amy!" She cries.
Before Amy could touch Natalie, Natalie brings out a gun...
"Natalie, no!" Dan yells. He charges Natalie with a tumble. "Ugh, Dan, get off." She says lovingly. Dan refused, and began to lean in and kiss her. Natalie doesn't do anything to stop, so she went with it.
"Hey, um," Ian says walking over to Dan and Natalie.
"What did you want to ask me?" Flashing a grin. Natalie breaks away and pushes Dan off her. He rolled in the sand, and coughs twice. "Ugh, Roode, Ian. Never talk to anyone when they're kissing." Natalie huffs.
"Rude." Ian corrected her. Amy was sitting crosslegged, looking at her phone. Ian walks to her, smirking. "Get up." He whispers gently. Amy did as instructed and got up. Now Ian sat down, Crosslegged where Amy was just sitting. Ian patted his thighs, signaling Amy to sit on him.
"Just sit, love."
"Amy." He looked at her straight in the eye. Amy sat down on Ian's legs. Amy felt uncomfortable at first, but then she leaned on Ian's chest, and figured it wasn't hard to feel comfortable after all. Ian rested his chin on her shoulder, examining Amy's movement. Then Amy figured, there was no escaping a Kabra's love.

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