The Kiss

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You can see what happens by the Title. (Put's on evil face)
Natalie sat down. She made sure Dan and herself were alone. Completely alone. She reached out to take Dan's hand. Dan pulled away.
"Why do you want me?" Dan asked. He panicked. He took deep breaths, and he was ready to scream out Amy's name. Natalie forgot Dan had asthma, so when Dan was about to yell, "Amy!" She covered his mouth with her hand. She carefully removed her hand out of his mouth. She rubbed her hand on his shoulder disgustedly because she touched his mouth. What am I doing? I touched his mouth with my hands and rubbed them off, what about my kiss? Would I rub my lips on his shoulder? Natalie's thoughts were interupted by Dan.
"What? You don't want help, Natalie Cobra?" Dan asked, wheezing. Every puff she heard. She secretly stole Dan's inhaler from Dan's backpack, which Amy had on her back. She quickly brought it out before Dan could have a chance of coughing.
If he coughs, then Amy might hear it! I'll be busted with no alone time with Dan! EVER! Natalie thought. She held up the inhaler to Dan's mouth. Dan gave her a look like, What the heck.
"Hurry up and do what you need to do!" Natalie rushed. He quickly grabbed the inhaler and did his thing. He put it down and scooted a bit closer to Natalie. Just a bit. Natalie blushed. Just then, Dan scooted closer to meet Natalie's shoulder. Natalie blushed harder and put her head on his shoulder. Do I really like the Dweeb? The answer: yes. Natalie thought.

Dan was lost in his head. What should I do? Kiss her? Hug her? Expose her? Ahhh! Dan thought. He let her head rest on his shoulder. He liked her. He really did.
But what should he do? He made up his mind. He put his hand in her waist, pulled her close, and closed his eyes. Why am I doing this? The clue hunt is over, I'm back in middle school, should I have a girlfriend? Dan thought, once again. He sighed. He looked at Natalie. She was sound asleep. He let go of her waist, gently put her head in the sand, and walked away. He stopped in his tracks to kiss her forehead. Once he was close, Natalie sprung from her fake sleeping and kissed him.
On the lips.
    Dan fell from the impact and his hoodie was put on his head. He stiffened a little, but melted into her tender lips. Natalie was on Dan, not letting go. Wow, does Dan kiss this good? Natalie thought. She whooshed away the thought and blushed. She continued kissing Dan. She liked him. She let go and smiled.
    "Aww, you look cute in a hood." Natalie complimented. Dan smirked. He sat up, and kissed her again. Their soft lips touched. Dan didn't know anything about kissing, so He stiffened a few times, but he let it flow. Natalie threw her arms around his neck. None would let go. (Heh rhymes!)
------------------------------------------------------------------ Hey guys, sorry for not updating so soon. Seriously, I forgot about this book and I'm updating 3 books at once.

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