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Mac and Tinus winked at each other
Mac went off quickly , like kinda an animal is chasing him hahaha.
T:Come *insert your name* , seat beside me:)

Y:Um yea sure:)


T:*Look at her and smile wide* // Hey um , thank you for being the best . I didn't knew we go this far. *Put your head up and turn to you*


T:I'm going formal:) . Thank you for this past 8 months being a friendnemy and then best friends and to soulmate. I really love being by your side and i feel safer being with you. You've know me well , more well than others. You care for me and always be by my side. And um my feelings for you develope and i can't let go of it. I really want you. All day and night I kept thinking of you. Wanting to be nearer with you. You're just so cute to be with. I want you to be mine. So will you accept me to be yours?

Y:Umm...I-i-i can't ...

T:I-i-i...*Tears start dropping*

Y:Actually it's a yes<3 *hug Tinus tightly* Don't cry , i'm just kidding. I love you to be honest<3 but em you look "ugly" when you cry;)

T:EYY*hug you back* okay i will stop:') . Awww Love you<3 Thank you for being the best:') *kiss your cheek*

Y:That's way to fast boy *laugh*

T:Why not? We're official now *wink* // Okay let's go , we need to meet Mac

Y:Oh oh yea... Wait , is Mac actually meeting Lina?

T:Um to be honest , i don't know. Lemme call him .

On call with Mac

T:Yo bro , where are you?

M:Lina's house , you successed right?

T:Okay shut up Mac , but yea we're official

M:WATAAAA GLAD FOR YOU TINUS! After all this love birdss and soulmate , you both officially together ahh

T:Shushh , see you at my girl house byyee

M:Ahhh bye bye

-End the call-

T:Hey let's go to your house now:)

Y:Sure sure , where is Mac at?

T:Lina's house , they going out soon

Y:Ah... *Suddenly hug Tinus*

T:Ey , stop being too cute girl

Y:Naww i just can't believe after all this i'm waiting for ahhh uh

T:Wait...What did you say?

Y:I'll tell you later ooops , let's go <3

T:Okay that's what i meant by stop being cute *laugh and hold your hand*


Man...i can't believe after all i wanted for. Is-is now omg. I can't describe how much i love him ever since me and him are closed and peoples always thought that we are together back in the past. He's too cute. And aww when he asked , aww he's just too cute😍😍 i totally can't describe but i love him for real😌💗 blessed to have you , Tinus❤

Sorry it's short! I'm on my way for floorball match therefore i decide to write this chapter because it suddenly pop out at my mind😂

But enjoy❤
follow ig: pinenana_mactinus // mmersg21_

Youtube channel: nayli mmer sg

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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