Chapter 3-Infatuation or ?

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Marcus:Hey *insert your name* umm...
Your POV

Looking at Marcus secretly. I can tell that he is struggling with maths. Looking at Martinus he was doing fine. I know that Marcus wanna ask about maths questions.
You:Ey hey, so which question you need help? I can teach you😊

Marcus:Oh tusen takk! I just don't understand on getting the angels. Do you know how?

You:Uh angels?...

*his face was red as tomato , blushing*

You:Ouh, sure! I just have to ask our math teacher if i could teach you! Wait a minute
Marcus's POV🍍
Oh no...why did i said that. Why am i blushing. I don't even like her. Though she's very beautiful but i don't even want to develope feelings on her. Oh gosh marcus. I have to stop playing with my feelings around. I don't want things to get messed up. I've seen few times Martinus looking at her. Probably he's already in love with her haha.

-Teaching Marcus-

You:So um which question do you need help with? *smiling at him*

Marcus:Uh um would u be my star if i was the moon?

You:Um marcus... What did you just said?

Marcus:GOSH NOTHING!*Blushing*
I need help with this question:)
Marcus's POV

Gosh marcus. I really don't know what happen to me. Martinus is looking at us. With that stare. I knew he was jealous. I knew something is on him. But i couldn't take it. Her smile was so beauty. I just couldn't help it but to smile wide back at her😌
Martinus's POV🍌

Oh , Marcus and her seems to be close now. Why am i so jealous? It's just the first day of school. I wouldn't have feelings for her because i don't know her well. Why tinus. Why. They looking very happy there aww.
-End school-

You:Hey MM! So are you ready to get a tour from me cie cie cie😏😂

MM:AH OF COURSE! We have been waiting for this moment!

You:Okay!So let's start with the first level then we will go till the fourth level:)
*smiling at them*

Woah😍Her smile had caught us😍 Just have the feelings to get close to her😍 no wait , it's just the first day of school! Why are we in love? Probably its just an infatuation going on. But whatever.

-During the tour-

Martinus's POV🍌

Why do Marcus have to look at her like that? It's just the first day of school. Don't tell me that he's falling in love with her. Just tell me that it's just an infatuation going on. Hais.

Marcus's POV🍍

Tinus looks sad suddenly. I don't know what happen. So i go on and ask him

Mac:Are you okay tinus? You look so down suddenly.

Tinus:Haha yea. I'm always alright:)

Mac:*I knew he is giving a fake smile. But i have to just go with the flow* Sure then!

-End of tour-

You:We've come to the end of the tour! Thank you and goodbye!

MM:We had so much fun! Wow what that's fa--
*Get cuts by you*

You:I was just kidding boys😂 So um do you boys want me to fetch you boys at the bus station? I don't think you boys still familiar with our school route:/

MM:Hmm yea sure! Thank you so much *insert your name*

You:Okay! You've got to go! Your father is there at the pick up point hehe

MM:Oh yea😅Almost forgotten about it😂 See you tomorrow *insert your name*!!

You:Goodbye! Hope your first day of school was great!
*I'm still wearing the MM jacket because im not feeling well and it's cold though its a sunny day.
Marcus already went off and get in the car , but Tinus still standing infront of me. Suddenly he asked...

Tinus:You don't feel hot is it? Because it's very sunny and you still wearing jacket

You:Oh umm i'm unwell today but i forced myself to go school because Ms Lyn said there's new students😂 and it turn out to be you both and so i freaked out just now and im like jeez my wished came true😂

Tinus:Gosh *insert your name* ! You shouldnt force yourself to come today. Um but anyways thank you for the awesome tour babe! Uh I MEAN *insert your name*

You:Umm hehe welcome! See you tomorrow! *i pretend as if i didn't hear the word but i heard it and its confuse me alot.Let's just go with the flow.*
I was about to go out of school when Tinus called my name and ran to me.


What do you think will happen next?
Stay tune for the next chapter! Enjoy reading this💓!!

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