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>Strangely you keep staring outside the window. Then suddenly... <
L:*Insert your name* x2 ?

-No answer-

T:Hey? Wake up , wake up!

-No answer-


>Few minutes later, ambulance came.<
In hospital ,

Doctor:Anyone related to her , i need talk to you.

T: Me , i'm her cousin.
>I've got to lie to him because i wanna know what it is about<

>Lina whisper to Mac<

L:Yo whats up with your twin *Laughing*

M:Ya'know he love her so much so he lied to the doctor saying he is her cousin.

L: Cousin? WUUTTT

M: Shhh Lina , at least cousin is still relateable to *insert your name* HAHAHA

L: Oh okay. I just got savage.

M: Marcus , of course *Laughing*

Few moments later , Tinus went out the doctor's room.

M: So?

L:Uhuh so what the doctor say?

T: *Sigh* . He said that she have been forcing herself to think and remember everything back. That is the cause she fainted just now. God i didn't know she is stubborn

*get cut by tinus*

T:But somehow cute

M&L:EPPP TINUS *smirk*

T:I'm a straight forward guy , don't judge *smirk* SIKE

M:Okay Tinus . But if you're a straight forward guy ,why don't you confess to her that you love her ?


T:Oh , because it's still early and i need to know her better *wink at Mac*


>Then Lina went to see you in your room.<

T:Come on Marcus aka Pineapple , why DON'T you confess to Lina too. *Smirk*

M:Uh confess wut? I've got nothing to confess about. *Turns red*

T:Come on Marcus *smirk*

M:Shut up Tinus! Don't you dare to speak it out.

T:Oh well of course lovely brother
*giving that evil smile*


T:Okay okay relaxs. *Giggling*


M&T: Yea?

L: Don't you want to go in? She's kinda awake ,

T:OH JEEZ i'm gonna go to her first *wink*

M: Don't be too long *smirk*

T:Shut up , unlike you and EHM EHM
*Trying to disturb Mac*

M: One more time...

T:See you in *insert your name* room , Marcus *smirk*

>In your room/ward<

T:Hey , you're awake...

Y:Uhuh yea . Um..You are?

T: *Uh no...she still can't remember...* I'm your boyfriend.

Y:Um , since when you are my boyfriend Tinus? *smiling*


Y:I miss you being by my side somehow bestfriend. And yea , my memories are back:)

T:Okay , forget about what i said just now. It's not me friend. HAHAHA

Y: I'm gonna keep this memory HAHAHA

T: *Insert your name* .... -.-

Y:Woah okay chill
Tinus POV

>Aw , how cute she is. I'm glad her memories are back even we went to only one of her favourite place. Proud of her fighting for it. I miss everything from her and glad its back. Awww sigh , see , her smile. Makes my heart melts 😍<
Lina and Mac went in. Holding hands.

M: So wassup guys

T:WOAH WOAH WOAH Look *smirk*

M:Oh sh*t  *let go of Lina hand*

T:So so you confess to her *smirk*

M:Um no? Her hand is cold so i'm trying to make it warm .

T:Lame cover up Mac HAHAHA

Y:Woah Lina *smirk*

L:Your turn will come soon okay *Smirk*

Y:HAHA proud of you, your dream you have been waiting for all this time finally came true huh *smirk*

L:Shush babe *Laughing*

Y: Oh come on , i have my memories back and even my phone have your text with me talking about it . Ooops *smirk*

M:Oh is it true Lina?

L:Uh... Nah nah not true

*Then Mac suddenly hug her*

T:Oh come on not here man

M:Oops , sorry Tinus. I know you're single but not available huh huh huh *smirk*

T:Shut up Mac , hmmm so now you both are officially a thing you know. How though?

M:I'll tell you later :)

Y:TELL ME TOO GUYS , i don't wanna be left out .

L:Of course you won't :)

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