Outside Ninjago

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Lloyds P.O.V

Ow. Pain shot through my body, but slowly and carefully I got. Look around after my visions returned I'm standing in a clearing that is surround by forest and through the line of trees I can make out some oddly shaped buildings. I then notice the over 5 heaps on the ground "Guys!" I ran over to them and start to wake them up "Wha... What happened?" Jay asked once he woke up "I don't know, but help me wake the others." soon everyone is awake "Hey you guys!"

We look up to see a beefy boy with black hair and a weird metal hat that has horns coming out of it. These boy is riding a huge red dragon who is growling at us. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" "Hi I'm ll-" "You know it doesn't matter all that matters is that you get off the Edge and never come back and you can tell Viggo I said that." "Viggo?" I hear Nya say "Playing dumb with me, are you? You where sent by Viggo Grimborn to try and steal the dragon eye." the boy shouted "Snoutlout! What are you doing?" "And who are they?" a scrawny boy riding a black dragon with pale green eyes and a girl with blonde hair who was riding a dragon that had spikes on the tail shouted as they flew over. "Those are spies sent by Viggo to try and steal the dragon eye." the boy named Snoutlout said "I don't know Snoutlout those don't look like dragon hunters" the girl said "Well whoever they are, we need to find out if their friend or foe" the scrawny boy said and at very moment another dragon that looked like the one Snoutlout was riding burst trough the bushes "Run!" I yell 

The dragon started to chase us "Guy's dragons!" "Dragons!?" the 2 boys and girl shouted I started to form an energy bowl in my hands and suddenly I was riding a green glowing dragon. I saw Nya was having trouble with her's so she hopped onto mine. And we flow up to the others "Everyone all right?" Cole asked, "Yeah a bit shaken up, though." Kai replied, "Okay now let's find out where we are." Zane said

Hiccups P.O.V 

"Hey, you mind telling us who you are and how you did that," I said as I flew over to the weird mysterious guys that had dragons appear out of thin air " What huh...o I'm Cole. The red guy is Kai, the green guy is Lloyd, the white guy is Zane, the blue guy is Jay, and the girl is Nya Kai's sister." the dude in black said I studied them Cole has black hair that comes down on his forehead and a weird green scare on his face. Kai has light brown hair that sticks up in all directions. Lloyd has blond hair that swoops down on his forehead too. Zane startled me the most for some reason he is entirely silver. Jay had hair that is auburn brown and lays flat on his head. And Nya has black hair that stops a little before her shoulders. They are also wearing some weird clothes each one a different color. "So who are you?" asked Jay "I'm Hiccup. That's Astrid and Snoutlout. And you're on the Edge." they looked baffled "Why don't you come back to our bass and you can tell us how you did that and why you're here." they look at each other and nod

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