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Sorry I haven't written in awhile school, swim team, homework, and writer's block have prevented this chapter from coming out sooner

Jay P.O.V

"What do you mean by there is still hope?" I ask I'm walking backward so I can look Sensia in the eye "Log!" but I have already fallen over the gutted out log that was in the trial "Too late, Nya" I groan getting to my feet "You okay?" "I'm fine Lloyd, but no more walking backwards for me."  they laugh as we walk into the center of the building "Hey guys! Who's that?" Fishlegs calls from the center he is working with Hiccup on something with metal "That is my uncle and our Sensia."  they just nod and go back to work on whatever "Sensia what did you mean?" 

"I suppose it is time I tell you. Do you remember your dragons before your element ones?" "Yeah, how could I ever forget Rocky?" "Yeah, I would never forget Whisp." "No" "Well of corse you don't Lloyd you were busy building treehouses, raiding towns for candy, and letting the serpentine out of their tombs." Kai teased "Oh come on I thought we were other that." "Anyways when they migrated to become the ultra dragon this is the place they came to." "Really? Our dragons came here to find their true potential and become the ultra dragon which, whatever happened to Ultra?" Kai asked we just shrugged "I don't know. You guys?" "He was Lloyd's responsibility?" "As soon as Lloyd unlocked his golden dragon there was no need for the Ultra dragon so it moved on." "So now you tell us that Rocky has died!" "He has not died Cole he just doesn't or they don't serve us anymore. They have freedom." Zane explained "Oh" Cole looked around sheepishly noticing the riders were staring at them Fishlegs and Hiccup were turned towards them they had stopped working on whatever, Snoutlout was carrying wood towards his house, Astrid had landed on Stormfly next to Hiccup, and the twins were dragging a large sack with something in it across the ground "Carry on just a misunderstanding!" I yell then turn back to Sensia "Well where is Ultra you can't be a 4 headed dragon and fly around Ninjago without causing a bunch of people to notice" Nya asked, "Sadly I don't know, I think he returned to this realm." "This is a realm?! Like one the realm crystal could take us to if Cole hadn't broken it." "Hey, I didn't break it. Did I? I don't remember," Nya and I shake our heads we are the only ones that remember the Nadaka thing. "No Cole the crystal wasn't broken" "Yes it was" "No it wasn't Jay, you erased all events wich included the breaking of the realm crystal so technically it wasn't broken." the ninja, Sensia,  and the riders are staring at us "Someone needs to fill us in right know!" Kai screamed Nadaka was the one thing Nya left out when explaining to the riders. The ninja and Sensia didn't even know about it

I look at Nya "So you want to explain?" "Nope, I explained the first time plus you were the hero of this adventure." "Wait, little loud mouth here was a hero?" Cole says in surprise "Yes I was and why do you have to say it in a surprised tone?" "Whatever," "This doesn't really matter Sensia tell us more about ultra dragon." "Jay." Kia and Cole growl "Fine want to know here's the short version a gene got lose like a jinni, but instead of granting your wishes he twists your words so that you don't get what you want. Bad guy framed us so that our popularity goes down the drain and everyone is after us. Then you and Zane make your 3 wishes so he captures you guys. So Cole, Lloyd, Nya and I go get some tiger widow venom one drop can kill a human but can slow a gene down. Then others go missing so that it is just me and Nya." "Wait you and my sister were alone together!" "Calm down Kai she was very mad at me at the time. Okay then we go to Zane's dad old lighthouse then Nya gets captured by Nadaka. He wants to marry her so that he can become all-powerful. I go into his prison saving you guys we go up to his sky islands to rescue Nya, but Nadaka turned her into his long lost love. When Nadaka's crew realizes this they mutiny him and help us. His right-hand man or whatever shoots a dart with the tiger widow venom in it at Nadaka I was going to use my last wish to trap him, but one little problem he had turned you guys into statues and some of the venom had gotten on Nya pushing Nadaka's love out of her. Though she was dying so instead I use my last wish to turn back the clock erasing all events that Nadaka created and he was never released. So there." I panted they stare "Um, what?" "Don't make me explain again Lloyd." I groan "No Jay look!" Lloyd shouts pointing to the sky I turn to see a white dot on the horizon "Screaming death!" Snoutlout screamed dropping his pile of wood in fear "Screaming death?" Zane asked in confusion

Snoutlout P.O.V

Jay has gone off on something personally I lost him about at the beginning something about trapping someone with poisonous venom and someone who could grant wishes really I'm not paying attention. 

"No Jay look!" I hear Lloyd shout I look up at the horizon to see a white dot flying towards us I can see wings Is that? Oh no, it is! "Screaming death!" "Screaming death?" Zane asked but I don't pay attention I'm running towards to Fookhang "Hiccup I told you that it would be mad that we stole some of its scales." "Snoutlout that was months ago why would it be coming for us now?!" "Maybe it couldn't find us and has been searching the archipelago for us." "Still it doesn't make any sense." Fishlegs shouts "Does it have to?" "Snoutlout is right we did to get this thing out of here before it destroys the Edge!" Astrid shouted, "Alright I love this thing." Ruffnut shouts "The way it destroys islands is breathtaking." Tuffnut shouts  "Does someone what to feel us in?!"Kai shouts "The Screaming Death is a dragon that can destroy islands, is extremely powerful and dangerous." Fishlegs explains "Do you need any help?" Nya asked "Sure but follow the plan. You have no experiences with this thing." Hiccup says as he jumps on Toothless "Sure no problem we have never veered from a plan." Jay says the others give him a look that clearly says they have veered from a plan "What are we waiting for?" 

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