Time to skrill, or go home

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this chapter is writen mostly in the dragons P.O.V

Whisp P.O.V

I roar out to my other heads if we were still 4 single dragons then we would have taken the ninjas back to Ninjago by now, but we couldn't too many. I still was shocked by the amount of change they went through Zane was silver, Nya and Jay were together tock the guy long enough, and Cole was a ghost again apparently. I look over at Rocky he is staring at Cole "You know it's not permitit."  Shard roared out "I know. None of it is as soon as they get back to Ninjago time will catch up to them again and Cole won't be a ghost anymore." Rocky said, "And will Kai's water power disappear?" Flame asked we look at each other "I have no idea." "How do you plan to get back?" Meatlug said, "Well we could get to the underworld if we were fast enough but a lot of those tunnels are too narrow for us to get through at that speed." Rocky suddenly jerks his head up making us stop "Wow! whats' going on!?" the ninjas yell I growl at Rocky "Rocky have to warn us when you are going to do something like that, we are in one body!" Flame yelled "I know how to get them back." he roared "Great you could have told us without stopping." 

"How do we get you guys back?" Toothless asked flying next to us "We have to create a large amount of electricity that will create a portal leading them to hopefully Ninjago and not another realm." he roared "How we do that I only have enough power to get like half a human through a portal that big." "Not you were about to met a dragon that stores lighting if we can just talk to him then maybe he can help them get back." "You also have an offspring of lightning and death itself." Barf says we stare at him "He means me. The riders say that Nightfuries are unholy offsprings of Lighting and Death itself" "Great so Toothless and we will try to talk to the skrill" Flame growled, "Um last we saw the skrill Toothless sealed it in an ice cavern." Stromfly shouted from behind us I look at Toothless "Why would you do that?" "Hiccup told me" I look at the other heads "I have a plan, but in order to do it we are going to have to disobey our riders." Fookhang said unlike his rider he is smart not always fallowing orders but smart. "okay what is it?"   

Fishlegs P.O.V

The dragons were roaring a lot for a long period of time it looked like Fookhang was leading the conversation suddenly the dragon swerved away Meatlug and Stromfly heading right, Fookahang, Barf, and Belch headed left, while the ultra dragon and Toothless stayed in the center "Wow Stromefly stop!" Astrid shouted, "Meatlog calm down let's just head back towards the others." I try to steer Meatlog back but she just flew on "There not listening to are commands!" Ruffnut yelled, "You just have to show them who's boss." Snoutlout yelled pulling Fookhang's head right Fookhang yanked it back the center not turning "Guys look!" Tuffnut said pointing towards the edge of clouds where the Skrill was flying out of it looked like it was about to fire a lighting bolt, but Flame's head roared out the other heads and Toothless started to roar too. Suddenly the dragons started to circle the Skrill "Hiccup what's going on" "I have no idea! Come on bud!" Hiccup tried to pull Toothless away, but Toothless stayed where he was. The Skrill looked impressed by this

Skrill P.O.V

I stare at the Nightfury that froze me in ice I noticed other dragons circling me "Is this a trick?" a growl out "No." one of the heads from the 4 headed dragon said "I only sealed you in ice because he told me to. He was trying to save you that Viking that captured you would have chained you up and made you attack." I stare at the Nightfury "How do I know that's not what you are trying to do you are letting a no wing ride you." "Becuase he saved my life and I don't do everything he says." "Prove it" the no wing starts to say gibberish and pulls the Nighfury's head away like a turn but the Nightfury just stays put "Okay fair enough what do you need?" "Your lighting." I look at the white and black dragon head "Are you crazy! You want me to give up my power!" "No that's not what Rocky meant." a red head roared "He meant that we want to combine our powers to create a portal." a blue head said, "Create a portal?" "We need a large amount of electricity to get back to our realm." the white head said suddenly I know who this dragon was stories were told of their species long ago "Your one of the last remaining realm travelers aren't you?" I roar "Yes how did you know that?" "I remember stories from when I was a hatchling they kept my mind busy when I was trapped in ice" "So you know that we need to get back." "Yes and I will help, but I don't have enough power for all of you." I say gesturing towards the riders "oh it's just us," the white head said, "okay, but I still don't have enough power." "Don't worry we can help." "How?" I look at the blue head "Whisp, guardian of the lighting nunchucks." "Yes and I have a plasma blast that is like lighting, don't you remember when are shots combined years ago." I think for a moment "Yes" 

"We just have to do that again I nod forming a large ball of lightning sending bolts crashing around us. Whisp raised his head shooting lighting into the ball it became so big that it started to float on its own. It became big enough I could feel myself running out of energy looking at Whisp I could see the same was going for him "Now Toothless!" the red yelled Toothless opened his mouth glowing purple he fired 5 bolts at the ball adding to its power. It was getting too powerful to handle Toothless shoot 1 more bolt hitting it straight in the center the ball rose up into the sky becoming flat. A beam of light shoots down at the 4 headed dragon "Cole, Zane! Get on" a no wing with a long white beard commanded "Okay! Why?" the no wing dressed in back exclaimed, "We're missing our window." The white head yelled the 2 no wings scrambled up then the 4 headed dragon stopped flapping its wings letting them dangle at his side. He started to spin around

Hiccup P.O.V

 Every muscle in my body was telling me to run but I couldn't Toothless wouldn't let me. I watched has the ninja's dragon spun around "I think I'm going to be sick!" yelled Jay the dragon shoot up straight up into the air going right into the center of the purple swirling thing. As soon as they went through it diapered the ninja were nowhere in sight "Where are the ninjas?" "Hiccup you don't think they went home do you?" Fishlegs asked "I don't know it seems to be the" Toothless suddenly nosed dived down right before we hit the water he pulled up heavily flapping his wings. A faint roar came from below him looking down I saw the skrill wich was nearly unconscious his energy depleted. "let's get this guy back to shore" I say pulling out a net handing one side to Astrid and the other side to Snoutlout. They went below us their dragons folding the net below us Toothless gently lowered the skrill into it once it was secure we flew to the nearest island "I'm going to miss them." I look back at Fishlegs "We didn't even get to say goodbye." Astrid said, "I know and I so wanted to see what pranks I could pull on Cole." Tuffnut said "me too" "I'm not going to  miss them." we look at Snoutlout "Okay maybe a little" "How knows we may see them again." "I will tell you one thing I won't miss is Cole's cooking." Astrid said we laugh 

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