Chapter 6

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             The next morning we sat in silence eating our breakfast and drinking coffee. When we fell asleep I couldn't stop thinking of what Aviana said last night. Try it with her?  A couple of days ago I would have been appalled if someone asked me to try BDSM with them. However, now, I don't know what I want anymore. What Aviana likes could be exciting and even more sexually pleasing than last night.

             I'm still unsure of what turns me on and what turns me off but I feel like Aviana and I can talk and find out what it is that stimulates and what disgusts me. That's the whole point of BDSM, right? Communication?

             "Want more coffee?" My head shot up to meet Aviana's gaze, I was too busy going over my own thoughts without realising that I was sipping my coffee without there actually being coffee in the mug. Aviana's smirk made me glower at her. "What are you smirking at, you dirty sock?" 'You dirty sock? What the hell, Lacey? You could've come up with a better insult. "You, damp panties." Oh, dear Jesus. I coughed, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth. Then again, she's an unpredictable woman. Should I have expected her unpredictableness?

             "... Anyway, no thank you. I should get going now. Thank you for yesterday and... Last night." I mumbled out the last two words as her smirk turned into a sly grin. "God! Will you stop doing that face? It's creepy." I slid off the bar stool and went to collect my belongings that were in the living room. When I had everything, I made my way to the door and opened it while trying to put my right shoe on. "Well... See you on Monday." The awkward silence was broken when I lost balance and tumbled to the floor. "Jesus Christ, Lacey. You can't balance yourself for 5 seconds?" I gripped her hands that she placed in front of me. "I most definitely can!" I exclaimed defensively. "Judging by what just happened, I don't believe you." Grabbing her hands, I lift myself up and fix my clothes and my hair. "Okay, now this is goodbye." Before I could comprehend, Aviana leant in and pressed her lips against mine. The kiss was slow and sweet, no rush evident in her movements. My body melted like butter with the touch of her lips.
Finally, we pulled away, my eyes fluttering open. In an instant, I was out the door and walking down the hallway to the elevator with a smile creeping on my face. I seriously need to take a cold shower when I get home.
             I made it to the lobby and spotted Arthur waiting in his car. I'm glad I have a friend like him who encourages me to get laid. When I called him about an hour ago, I accidentally caught him in the act with his girlfriend when I heard a moan. I'm just glad he answered me.
             "You're lucky we're friends. If not, you would've been walking." I scoffed as I buckled my seat belt. "Gee, thanks, Arthur, love you too!"  I side-eyed him and I saw his shit-eating grin. "Yeah, I know you love me." We drove off, talking about our weekend. "Sorry about interrupting you and Melissa." I felt guilty; if I had known that was happening I wouldn't have bothered calling him. "No worries, after we hung up she wasn't in the 'giving mood' anymore so we just got dressed and did our own thing. I didn't even get to cum, Lace!" I rolled my eyes. "Oh boy, your life is so difficult." We came to a stop at a red light. "Oh haha, you are so funny. I had to finish myself off in the bathroom. I don't think I can take it anymore, Mel and I aren't what we used to be. I think I need to break up with her." This kind of conversation is not what I expected on a Sunday morning. "I never liked her anyway. She's too stand-off-ish when I'm around, almost like she's afraid I'm going to flirt with her." A laugh escaped our mouths and it died down as quickly as it started.
             "So," Arthur started, tapping the steering wheel. "How was your weekend huh? Did anything exciting happen?" My hands ran along the front of my face, I was embarrassed for what I was about to tell him. "I got piss drunk at the bar, told her about my sex dream that I had with her, fell asleep in her bed, then on Saturday we got into an argument and I got sexually frustrated from her practically pinning me to the wall, we almost kissed, then I pushed her away and left but then came back because I forgot my pants. Then, she took me out for lunch and shopping as an apology. When we got back from the mall we had champagne but barely drank any and then..." I sighed loudly and turned to look out the window. "We had sex." Arthur's loud gasp made me jump. He hit the steering wheel out of excitement as I turned my head towards him. His eyes were wide, though still focused on the road with his mouth dropped open. "NO FUCKING WAY!" I groaned loudly and slapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Arthur, stop you're going to make my head burst open with your annoyingly loud voice."
             "How was it? How was she?" Amazing, wonderful, perfect. "She was alright." "And you're full of shit. C'mon, this is Aviana we're talking about! She's hot as hell, her body is jaw dropping, how could she not be a goddess in bed?" I couldn't stop the blush from creeping from my neck to my face. Why did I lie? Why was I afraid to admit I enjoyed it maybe a little bit too much? "Okay, okay! Fine, you're right. It was amazing, she was amazing and I'm not opposed to saying no if last night happens again. But... There's something that I need to think about." We were almost to my apartment now, I had to make this conversation quick. "She asked you to sign a contract for you to give her permission to sell your organs?"
             "No... Arthur, no! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
             "You know, anything is possible." Over the years I've learned that his logic isn't that great. I should've expected him to say something like that but here I am, sitting in my seat with my head in my hands yet again. "No, she wants to know if I would be open to trying BDSM with her next time. Which I'm not opposed to trying, it's just I've never done anything like it before so what if I do everything wrong?" Arthur shrugged his shoulders, pulling up to my street. "I say try it once, and if you're not into it then tell her. I'm sure you won't hurt her feelings, she seems like the kind of person who won't be devastated." He had a point.
             "And if all you're worried about is messing up and not worried about her dominating you, then I say that you're probably more than willing to try it and you're just too blind to realise it." Finally, we pulled up at my apartment. I sighed and unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing my bag and opening the door. "Thanks for picking me up and giving me this advice... At least I think it's advice." Arthur gave me a thumbs up and then placed his hands back on the steering wheel. When I reached the entrance doors, I jumped as I heard Arthur yell, "LET YOUR LESBIAN ASS BE ADVENTUROUS! DON'T BE AFRAID AND STAY INSIDE ON FRIDAY NIGHTS WITH YOUR CAT ANYMORE. GET LAID. GET DOMINATED."
             "JUST GO HOME AND BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND ALREADY!" We both gave each other the finger as he drove off, leaving me standing at the doors, and a couple of people staring at me with scared eyes. God dammit, one of them is my neighbour.
             I ran to the elevator, embarrassment was an occurring emotion these past two days and I was getting sick of it. Okay, Lace, do what Arthur told you to do so he can never embarrass you in a public place again. Never ever again.

Happy New Years Eve! Enjoy this chapter.

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