Chapter 8

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             Aviana's text messages to me kept me awake for most of the night. I wasn't aware of how fast she and I would hit it off, but it seems like it was quicker than I thought. As if waiting for her to contact me yesterday was bad enough, waiting for my prep period was excruciating. A schedule sheet in the staff room was posted on a bulletin board, informing teachers of when their break was. When the school year began, I looked at every teacher's break period, just to be aware. It made me feel a little creepy knowing when everyone's break was.

             Aviana and I's break was during the same period, the last one until the end of the day. I was itching to converse with her, a different feeling than I would have felt if the weekend never happened between us. I wondered if I was attached to her only because we had sex.

             These thoughts put me in a daze. I was slumped in my seat in the staff room with Arthur like every other morning of the week. The only difference were my eyes being locked on a spot on a wall, not paying attention to Arthur's words that were spoken to me. "Hey, I'm sorry to cut you off from whatever you were saying, I really wasn't paying attention." Arthur stopped speaking, his shoulders dropped as he shut his eyes and laid his head on the table. Arthur looked like he was ready to drop dead any second. "I was saying that I can't stop worrying about Melissa. What if she does something to make herself stay at my place? What if she makes me pity her so I'll cave in and I let her worm her way back into my life?" I sighed and took a sip of my coffee, realising that other people had worse problems than me at the moment. "I'll call your mother. You know how much she dislikes Mel? If Melissa pulls something, your mum will come down and whip her ass so hard Melissa won't look back as she leaves." Arthur looked contemplative. Soon, a sly smile appeared on his face and he looked me in the eyes. "I bet you want Aviana to whip your ass." He lowered his voice as someone walked in. I tried not to make a scene but my gaze became hard. I mouthed the words: "You cocksucker!" And Arthur gave me a sensual wink. My rough snort came out and I covered my already beet red face. Sooner or later Arthur and I would be kicked out of the staff room, never to be allowed in again. My mind is telling me the day would come very soon.


             Lunch came around and I had one more class to teach afterwards until I was done for the day until I could see Aviana. I spent my lunch hour marking as many freshmen essays that I could, hoping to finish all of them today. Just last week Aviana walked into my classroom around the same time today, asking for the stapler on my desk. I need to stop thinking about her so much.

             "I hope she's thinking of me as much as I am of her because this is extremely annoying." As I spoke these words another voice came from the doorway. "Oh Hun, you have no idea." My face flushed as Aviana stalked closer to my desk, grazing her fingertips lightly on nearby desks. 

            My lip couldn't help but find my tooth and I bit down subtly. My eyes trailed along her long and toned legs and all the way up to her smoothly swaying hips. My thighs instinctively squeezed together and my hands clenched, I couldn't get out of my entranced state. When Aviana reached the opposite side of my desk, facing me, she leant forward so that there were only two feet between us. I wanted to get closer. I wanted to feel her touch anywhere on my body, to become putty in her hands. "What do you think of us having dinner together sometime this week?" A smile graced my lips and we stared into each other's eyes. "This is going too fast," I thought to myself and my smile faltered. "Don't you think we're rushing this? Us?" Aviana's eyebrows furrowed and she slowly made her way to stand back up straight."I think that we should just have fun and not worry about how fast we're going. I didn't know that you thought we were together." Her response put me in a defensive mood.

             "I didn't think that we were a couple. We had sex once, I am not hung up on you. Why do you think that I would be thinking of you as someone I am madly attracted to and clingy towards? I am able to pace myself with relationships, to know when the red 'stop' signals appear. You are cocky, obnoxious, and so absorbed with the way you portray yourself but to be truthful, you need to do some serious work on yourself before you have anymore flings to save you from embarrassment." Aviana looked taken aback. Realisation dawned on me that I had stood up from my chair and was gripping the edge of my desk, breathing heavily from raising my voice. It felt like minutes from standing in silence, however, in reality, it had probably only been thirty seconds. "You can leave my classroom now," I ordered to her, not breaking my hard gaze. "Usually I'm the one giving the orders," Aviana stated, not moving an inch, with the exception of crossing her arms over her chest. "Does it look like I give a fuck? I'm not a good fuck you can boss around when you feel like it. Show me respect, and I will show you the same. Now leave.

             Without another word, she slams the door. Two seconds go by and I fall in my chair, tears streaming down my face. 

             "I ruin everything, I should have kept my mouth shut." 


          The end of the work day arrived and I made my way home alone. Arthur was going to his apartment to make sure Melissa had moved her stuff and herself out of the premises. I was still upset and shaken from my lunch hour, I felt as if I had to seclude myself from everyone, at least for a little while until I feel like I'm back to normal. However, a tiny part of me knows I won't be back to normal. 

             Aviana was a clear case, I knew I was right for disliking her from the start. Unfortunately, I was blinded enough to go out for drinks with her. What I said before was all true. Aviana is undoubtedly cocky, obnoxious, and self-absorbed with herself. Sex, it was the reason I became attached, I won't lie about that. I was hoping that we were going to become something more in the future, I never once thought that we were an official couple. 

             My driving speed accelerated as I swerved through the lanes home. Reckless, it was obvious. However, my anger was controlling my body. There were some close crash calls, luckily, I made it home safely. 

            I lugged my body to my room and fell on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Ignoring my responsibilities for the night and wanting to fall asleep. Moments later, my eyelids felt heavy and they slowly begin to close. My eyes snapped open after my last heaved sigh.

             I have to fucking pee.

             I roll over onto my stomach and groan into my pillow. I was just getting comfortable and now I'm even more upset that I can't enjoy sleeping, just great.

             Walking to the washroom was sluggish but fortunately, I made it. I made an effort to check my phone for emails from my students, colleagues, and the frequent texts from Arthur. There was nothing to be read, no emails, no text messages, no voicemails, nothing to keep me occupied. 

            The time when I need to be distracted by something the most, something awful happens and I'm left with nothing but my thoughts. Charlie needed to be fed, I could do that, however, that wouldn't satisfy me. I could play with him, that would help me for a short period of time but I need something more, something stronger to help me cope. 

             I met Arthur at his house later on that night to discuss what occurred today. He listened intently and thoughtfully, giving me his full attention. I noticed that Melissa had indeed moved out, however, a pair of black lacy panties had been left behind on his bed, most likely to be thought as a remembrance gift or a reason to come back. Either way, I thought it was hilarious yet Arthur had a different opinion on the matter. 

             When I was done speaking, I had tears in my eyes yet again, spilling down my cheeks. Arthur pulled me into a warm embrace and I felt somewhat better. The physical contact felt comforting and I wanted more. I wanted to be held, to be kissed, to be loved, to have someone who could love me romantically.

             I craved it. 

             Unlike Aviana, I don't want flings. I want a relationship that will last and make me happy, even if that means it's not with her. Arthur pushed me off of him slightly and I looked up at his face. 

             "I think I know what you need and you're not allowed to say no."


Sorry that this took so long, a new semester started two weeks ago and I've been lazy oops!

Expect and update tomorrow as well.

Please go check out Thedarkroseofwriting she's one of my best friends and writes humorous books and phenomenal sex scenes that I live for!


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