Chapter twelve: Camron's P.O.V

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     Three weeks passed since Chanel told me she was pregnant. I didn't know how to act so it came out in anger. Today I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to see her, she was different from these other girls out in New York, she had a spark that made me smile, I was happy with her. Noon came around and I went to her house. I came up the steps nervous, I knocked. Chanel was the one to open the door she had a smile on her face but as she glanced at me her expression quickly changed, She was starting to show really well, I looked down at her stomach and asked, "Can we talk?" She laughed saying "About what? What do you have to say to me?" I looked at her knowing I deserved all she threw my way I sighed saying "I was wrong, and I apologize for all I did  to you, can we please talk?" She shook her head no "It's only about my child, I'm done with you."

     Before she could close the door in my face I grabbed her hand helping her outside to sit on the step, She of course pulled away and sat down. "So why you here now?" She shot me a dirty look. "I want to be there for you and my child, if you would allow me to be," "Camron you hurt me, why try now? I needed you and you weren't there, you left me because of a choice we made" Her eyes watered as she spoke, I went to wipe her tears and she pushed my hand away. I sighed asking "Can we come inside and do this?" I seen the hurt on her face and in her eyes, I knew I had trulyl messed up and she would never forgive me but it was worth the fight, she was worth the fight. 

    Eventually she let me in and we went to her room to talk. I walked in and there were boxes everywhere as if she were moving, Out of curiousity I asked "You moving?" She nodded "Yes, back with my Mom." She seen the hurt on my face and didn't say anything "So say what you have to say, I have things to do today," I sighed and sat down and started, "When you told me you were pregnant it came out in anger, it wasn't meant, but it happened. I regretted it all but couldn't take it back, I didn't want to call because I knew you hated me for what I had done," Before I could continue she cut me off, "It was never about us, it's about the baby, I told you because I needed you, of all people I thought you were different, I was wrong." she laughed for a moment saying "You wanna know the saddest part? I loved you. what's sadder is I stopped caring whether you were here or not." 

   Those words stung me, they hurt me, I wanted her to care. We sat in silence for a while I just watched her for a mintue and then said "I know it's about the baby but Lani misses you, and so do I... so can you come by tonight and spend time with her?" I expected rejection but she agreed, I hugged her and walked out the door, I would see her tonight at 8:00p.m.

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