Chapter Fifteen: Moving on

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Monday came quick, I was happy to be back in school again, NYU was truly a great university and i was growing to love the people I had classes with. The day went by fast, I didn't speak to Camron, I was trying my best to avoid him. During the last class of the day a boy named Jermaine was sitting by me, we talked the entire time, I blushed and smiled the whole time, he was charming, but something about a charming guy had me worried, that's how Camron got me and I couldn't play the fool twice...

After class ended he carried my things and held my hand walking out the door down to the train, I knew Camron had seen me with him, I knew it would bother him but I didn't care, on the way home Jermaine and I talked about our lives growing up, my pregnancy, school and what life at home was like for the both of us. I liked everything I was being told but was yet so cautious due to my past. He held my hand the entire time on the bus, I was cold so I wore his school sweater. Once we got to my stop in New Jersey he walked me to my front door and hugged me "Can I see you tonight? I would like to take you out for pizza and maybe a movie? If that's okay with Ma dukes and yourself?" He said as he handed me my books "Well I'm more of a home body... We can do that here, tonight if you want to..." He smiled and took my books from my hand saying "Sounds good, lead the way." I walked in my house and introduced him to the family and went up to my room.

When we sat down on my bed I took off his jacket I wore, I looked at him quietly saying "It don't bother you that I'm pregnant with two babies?"

He laughed shaking his head 'No' saying "Why would it, I love kids, what he won't do this nigga will. believe that."

I was quiet for moment I just nodded to let him know I was listening to him, I looked at him and smiled admiring how handsome he was, his hazel eyes complimented his caramel skin, he had waves and deep dimples when he smiled.

"Chanel" snapped me out of my daze, I laughed and said "Yeah?" I laid down looking over at him he said "You're sweet, beautiful, funny, you have a good personality, why you getting caught up with niggas that don't mean you no good?

I laughed and smiled saying "It's always an accident, Never an intent, I just wanna be happy." I shrugged looking at him.

He looked over at me nodding saying "From now on i'm gonna be here for you, we don't gotta be dating."

Even though I felt it was sincere I let his words go through me, I didn't want to be hurt, I couldn't be hurt again, it wasn't fair to me but things were about to change for my kids sake.

After Jermaine ordered pizza for us he went to walmart and bought a few movies, while he was out I took a hot much needed bubble bath, I was exhausted, I wondered how I would be affected by my schedule once I started working, I had to work, my babies would deserve the best, that's exactly what they would get.

Jermaine came back almost a hour later I was dressed and had cleaned up and was relaxed in bed for the time being, The rest of the night went great, Jermaine spent the night with me after the movies were over, it was relaxing, I was completely myself with him and that's what mattered the most.

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