Chapter 26

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Yesterday was a horrible day. I mean like, almost the whole school population saw me fainted. I wonder what my face looked like. Omg. Well, at least some things had fallen to their right places, like Luke and I became friends again. The 'grounded' thingy isn't a big deal to me.

Well, here I am. Walking along the never ending corridor of the place what they call 'hell hole', and yes, it is what you call school. And Ofcourse, as what I've expected, all of their eyes turned to in an embarrassing way.

As I opened my locker, a note fell to the ground and I picked it up, Ofcourse. It is somewhat a piece of yellow paper where words are written on it which says,

'Dear Kristine Lee,

You don't know how much I adore you. You're smile is like the bright sun that enlightens me up. You hair that is long and wavy that remembers me of the beautiful seas and oceans. Your eyes, they shine like stars in the sky. How I wish I could stare at them. I really like you. You're beautiful. I won't tell you who am I. I'm sorry.


My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened.

How could someone send me a letter like this?

I am nothing but beautiful. Lol. My face can be compared to your dog's poop.

I wonder who this Anon is. I'm gonna find it out.


After Math class, Angela fetched me at my classroom so we can have lunch together. At the cafeteria.

I fall in line and saw a lot of gross 'food' at the counter. And then there's mystery meat also. I wonder why they still call it food. I lost my appetite so I just ordered a ham sandwich and a bottle of lemon juice. I proceeded to find a table and seats for the both of us.

I'm eating happily and Angela keeps on talking. I don't mind it that much. I got used to it. Then suddenly the topic changed.

"Have you seen the new student?", she asked.

"Uh... No? Is there any?", I asked. I really don't know if there is.

"Yes! And I've heard he's so damn handsome, and hot!", Angela giggled. Psssh. This girl. She reaaaallly love boys.

"Looks could be deceiving, my dear", I told her.

"Whatever you say, Aunt Marge", she busted laughing and I, too, joined her. Aunt Marge is her dad's cousin that is so conservative. She didn't even have kids. And oh, her personal hygiene is horrible (horrible could be an understatement). She barely brushes her teeth and she NEVER used deodorants. The reason why she stinks.

We finished eating and parted our ways. I'm now heading to my locker to get my stuffs for the next subject.

While I was walking, carrying my things, someone bumped into me and my books flew everywhere along the corridor. The guy continues to walk like he didn't even noticed me. I ran after him and yelled at him,

"JERK!!!", I screamed at him.

"What did you just say?", the guy walk towards me.

"Yes, you are a JERK! You bumped into me and you didn't eve hel-", I got cutted off.

"Ms. Tomlinson! That's an unappropriate word to use inside the school. Detention after school! You too, Mr. Colton... I didn't expect you to act like this on your second day", said Mr. Atkinson,  the bald headed fat Math teacher.

I rolled my eyes at that Colton guy then headed to my next subject.


The classes got really fast and it's dismissal time already. I told Angela not to wait for me because I got detention and she's like 'omg that's so rebelious. you're growing some spine now, i see'. Whatevesss.

I then headed to Mr. Atkinson's room. There are already a girl and a boy at the backseats doing something who-the-hell-knows... Seriously? Is this detention? Then I noticed Mr. Atkinson is not still here. Well, that's why...

After a few moments, Mr. Atkinson entered and the two straighten up their seats. Suddenly, the door flew open revealing my 'almost' nightmare in this school.

He searched for seats then his eyes drifted unto me and he flashed a wide grin. ohno. He took the seat beside me and suited himself.

"Mr. Colton, you're late!", Mr. Atkinson said.

"So??", Colton answered back. NO one dared to talk back at Mr. Atkinson. EVER! As I've expected the man got angry and his face is turning really red, like a tomato that's likely to burst any minute.

I stared at my spot, beside the window and looked at the scenery outside. 

"I'm Cris. Cris Colton", Colton speaked. I turned into him and frown.

"I'm not asking for you name", I replied. 

"You don't have to be so rude about it. Seems like someone's on her period...", he said and gave me a huge fvking smirk. The heck?

"After you've gotten me to detention you're telling me not to be rude to you? What are you, crazy?", I answered.

"Oooh. First timer we've got here", he muttered. I just shrugged it off and continued what I'm doing before he interrupted me.

And... FINALLY! Detention's over. All of us grabbed our bags and Cris turned to me, before leaving, and said, "Nice face we got there yesterday, you know, the fainting act?"

UGGGGHHH! HE SAW THAT!?! Like seriously, I wanna rip his head off.

I walked out off the building and began to walk to my house with thoughts in my mind. LETTER. LUKE. CRIS THE ANNOYING.


Sorry it took me 2 months before I updated. 

I'm really into Divergent. And I still haven't finished Insurgent. Sucks.

Stay active and multiply, my little carrots!



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