Never fall for a bad boy

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Jades POV


I woken up by my alarm going off. It was 7am. Ugh I don't want to go to school today. Especially after yesterday. I dragged myself up out of bed at 7.15.

Jumping in the shower I let the warm water run all over my body. I quickly scrubbed my body with my Dove shower gel. I then washed my hair. I jumped out and wrapped a towel around me.

I dried myself and blow dried my hair. Ugh my brown roots were showing again. I'll dye it later. It looked cold out so I put on my grey Nike tracksuit and my white Nike air forces.

Grabbing an apple I ran out the door. I put my earphones in and put on conor Maynard ' Can't say no '.

Girls girls girls
I just can't say
Never see em coming I just watch them go.
Girls girls girls .

After a ten minute walk I reached the school gates. I turned off my music and put my I phone in my pocket. Usually I seen Niall's car but today I didn't. Thank god I thought no Niall to annoy me. Spanish was the first class. To be honest I was rubbish at Spanish.

Jade Como she llama ?" The Spanish teacher Mr. Murphy asked waiting for an answer.

(what's you name ).

"Emm ummm Tengo" I managed to say.

(I have ).

" Jade we've been over this a hundred times its , Jade se llama, I think you need to study more "

He said with a stern look in his eyes.

"Yes sir" I replied.

I do study but everyone knows theres no point of arguing with Mr. Murphy. After 20 minutes the bell went.

" Jade stay behind " Mr. Murphy demanded not looking up from the Spanish book.

I stood in front of him " Yeah ?'.

" I think you need a tutor " He declared.

" I'm fine without one " I protested.

" If you don't get at least a B in Spanish you have to stay back a year." He replied.

" Okay I'll have a tutor " I answered.

" I'll get one by nest week " He nodded.

Ugh why do I need a tutor I walked to the next class English. I was shocked to see Niall sitting there. He was smirking at Harry. Harry was smiling back showing of his dimples. I took a seat next to Niall.

" Work on your projects " Mr Hanson demanded.

I started writing down the facts about civil war that I got off the computer.

" Hi " I heard a husky Irish voice say.

" Hi " I muttered.

" Why did you tell the skank about me hitting you " He asked.

I ignored him and when on working for the project. Suddenly I felt a hand on my knee.

" Answer me " he grinned.

I ignored him again. He started moving his hands up to my vagina.

" She bet me into it " I whispered quickly.

I felt his hand move away. He wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the class.

I quickly ran out of the class when the bell went and into the bathrooms. Locking one of the cubicles I broke down in tears.

He touched me there. What sort of boy touches a girls private in a classroom. No wait what sort of boy touches a girls down there at all.

He's a prick. After a good 20 minutes of crying i heard the bell to go home. I wiped away my tears and walked into the long corridor.

Oh  yay a note I thought as I opended my locker.

I quickly opended it and read it.

It Said :

' Hey Jade why would you let Niall touch you down there what a little pervert he is. You shouldn't be crying in the bathroom over him. Hah you should get with someone much nicer ;). So remember what I said get close to him and face the consequences. Bye. xx TKOL "

What the fuck how did they know Niall touched me down there. I quickly left the school. Niall was at his car with the rest of the boys apart from Harry.

"Hey " I heard a husky male voice say behind me causing me to jump. I looked around to see Harry.

" Hi " I smiled. Why was Harry Styles talking to me of all people.

" Sorry I scared you " He smiled showing off his cute dimples. Omg he's so hot.

" Um I was just wondering would you like to see a movie tomorrow night ?" He asked nervously.

" Yeah " I nodded politely.

" Okay " He grinned " I'll pick you up at 7 ".

" Okay " I smiled.

He ran off to the other lads. Oh my god Harry Styles asked me on a date oh my sweet baby Jesus. I was so excited for tomorrow night. I walked home listening to olly murs hand on hand.

just put your hand on my heart.
Put your hand on my heart.
Yoooouuuddd know.


Harry's POV


"Why were you talking to Jade " Niall asked as soon as I got over.

" She's going out on a date with me " I replied happily.

" Oh " his voice trailed off . He sounded jealous .Niall even looked jealous.

"Whooo " Louis cheered putting his fist out wanting a BROFIST. I gladly gave him one.

We all got into Nialls car. He drove us to our work hide out.


Hello guys. This chapter is long heheh. I'll do longer tomorrow . Do you guys like my fabric ? Vote and follow I follow back. Please feel free to comment ideas. xx

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