Chapter 1

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The Ambroise family.

The very sound of your last name struck fear in people. Your father was a feared Templar, one of Starrick's men. People knew not to mess with anyone in the Ambroise family, especially you. Your father absolutely adored you. Unlike most fathers, yours wasn't looking for a husband for you. He thought you should be free to do what you pleased, but if someone crossed your path and got on your bad side, they was as good as dead. You enjoyed the security that your surname gave you, but at times it became a burden. People feared talking to you, afraid that if they said something you didn't like, they'd be taken down by your father.

"(Y/N).. Can you please run out to pick up some letters from the post master for me," your father called. You slowly stood up from the desk that you were sitting at and headed down to his office. "Why isn't the postman delivering it here," you asked, putting a hand on the door frame as you looked at your father. "Because it's classified information. There has been an intervention by two members of the British Brotherhood and I can't take the chance of them getting their hands on the letters," he answered with a sigh, putting his pen down. "They wouldn't expect a girl to be delivering classified information, especially one of..your nature.." You frowned a little.

"What do you mean 'of your nature'? Is it because I'm a woman," you asked. "No, that's not what I was saying. I was speaking of your position in society," your father assured you. "Now be a good daughter and go fetch the letters." You sighed and turned on your heels heading toward the front door of the house. You were fortunate enough to be considered part of the aristocratic society. You slowly stepped out of the house, the cool spring breeze sending chills down your spine. As you glanced around you noticed there was no carriage at the house. Your mother had taken it to go have tea with some of her acquaintances. Looks like you had to walk.

You headed down the stone sidewalk toward the city. Your family had a large house, away from the city, giving you and your two brothers space to run around and play. As you walked, you earned glares from the other people. You kept your chin up and continued walking, ignoring the glares like your father had taught you. You made your way through the city to the postmaster's office. "Ah, hello Miss. Ambroise. Are you here to receive the letters for your father," the postmaster asked, looking up from the book he was ready. "You are correct, sir," you said with a nod and a small smile. The man chuckled softly and reached over to a stack of letters on his desk.

"Your father is quite in-demand," the postmaster joked. You laughed softly and nodded. "He's quite the busy man," you agreed. You spoke with the postmaster for a few more minutes before deciding to head home. "Well, sir, it was a pleasure speaking with you but I must get home before my father begins to worry," you said, glancing over your shoulder as a man walked in. "It was a pleasure speaking to you as well, Miss. Ambroise. Please do tell your father I said hello," the postmaster responded. You smiled and nodded once, turning on your heels to walk out of the post office.

"Ambroise, eh," the man that had walked in asked. You stopped walking and looked at him. He was quite a bit taller than you, not the tallest man you had ever seen though. He had a scar on his left cheek and right eyebrow. You found yourself wondering how he had earned the scars as your eyes wandered down to the gauntlet on his left arm. He was an assassin. Your father had told you about the assassins. You should've felt scared, for he obviously knew your father was a Templar, but you didn't.

"So? Why do you care," you asked, glaring at the man with the top hat. "Oh, you're feisty. I like you," the man cooed. You groaned and rolled your eyes, quickly heading out of the post office. "Did I say something wrong, love," the man called after you. You quickly pushed through people walking down the street. "Fantastic. Just great," you mumbled. You couldn't head home on foot, you had no idea if the man would follow you or not. The last thing you wanted to do was lead an assassin directly to your father.

Maybe you could join your mother for tea. If you didn't arrive at home, surely your father would be worried. He might even go out looking for you himself, which could end terribly. You were on your own for this problem. You glanced over your shoulder, noticing the top hat man following behind you at a distance. "Damn it all," you mumbled, quickly shoving through a couple into a alleyway. You quickly made your way through the alley, looking over your shoulder. You let out a sigh, relieved to not see the man behind you.

You continued walking through the alley, seeing mostly children running around. You felt bad, noticing that most of the children didn't have shoes or were covered in soot from working in factories all day. You frowned slightly as you walked through the alley. You hated seeing people living this way. You reached the other end of the alley and stepped out onto the busy streets of London again. You sighed softly and slowly headed down the street back to your house, trying to forget all about the man you had just met.

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