Chapter 4

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You and your brothers lined up as the man entered the house. He had a handlebar mustache and was wearing all black except for the purple scarf and dress shirt he wore. "Mr. Starrick, these are my sons Basile and Dimitri," your father started. Your brothers shook hands with the man. "Is this is the daughter I was talking to you about (Y/N)," he added. You curtsied at the introduction and the man took your hand, kissing your knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Ambroise," he said softly, with a small smile. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Starrick," you answered, forcing a smile onto your face. Your father had NOT done what you thought he had, did he? It seemed like it, given the shocked and horrified looks on your brothers' faces.

The man sat down at the table and your family soon followed. You were sat beside Starrick and were given your brothers a death glare from across the table for making you sit here. The two boys found it incredibly amusing. Your father had been talking to Starrick about you for who knows how long and now you were sitting beside the man. As you ate, you listened to Starrick and your father talk back and forth about the Templars, nothing too explicit, which you and your brothers were too thrilled about. The three of you wanted something to report back to the Fryes. As soon as dinner was over, you and your brothers practically booked it upstairs. but you were stopped.

"(Y/N), please come join Mr. Starrick, your mother, and I in the parlour," your father said softly. "Papa, please! I have to go help Dimitri and Basile with something! I promise I'll be back soon. I've just got to run into the city for a short while," you begged. Your father sighed softly and let go of your forearm. "Just be quick," he said softly. You kissed his cheek and quickly ran upstairs. "We have to be quick. Father wants me back here soon," you explains to your brothers who had already changed into their Rook uniforms. "Stay here. Listen in on anything Starrick says. Report back to us and we'll tell Mr. Frye," Dimitri said quickly. You gave your brother's a stern look. "You are NOT leaving me here to deal with father and," you spat at them. "Yes, we are," the two boys said in unison, slowly pushing you toward the staircase. "Just think of how much you'll be helping the Rooks with your sacrifice," Basile continued.

You groaned and motioned for Dimitri to tighten your corset, which he quickly did. You kicked Basile in the shin before storming down the staircase and into the palour. "Ah, (Y/N). I thought you were going into the city," your father asked as you took a seat beside him. "Dimitri et Basile sont des idiots complets (Dimitri and Basile are being complete idiots)," you mumbled, slouching back on the couch, ignoring the stabbing pain in your abdomen from slouching in a corset. "(Y/N), s'asseoir droit (sit up straight)," your father harshly whispered. You rolled your eyes slightly and sat up, fixing the bodice and collar of your dress. Your father began talking to Starrick about work again. You listened to the two men, picking up on any information you could.

You longed to be out with your brothers, alongside the Rooks. You wanted to see Jacob again. His beautiful brown eyes, strong jawline, the scars on his eyebrow and cheek. "Miss. Ambroise." You snapped out of your daydream, yours eyes landing on the man who had just spoke. "Mr. Starrick," you answered. "Please, my dear, call me Crawford," he said, a small smile appearing on his face. His smile wasn't as warm and welcoming as Jacob's was, but rather cruel and harsh. "Yes Mr. Star- I mean, Crawford," you said back, forcing a smile. "I was wondering if you would like to go into the Westminster with me tomorrow. I heard it is to be a beautiful day," Starrick continued. You glanced over at your father who had a wide grin painted on his face. You couldn't believe it. Your mother gave you a look that told you 'go on'. Go on with what? You weren't sure, but you could guess.

"I'm sorry, Crawford, but I cannot. I have previous plans for the day and cannot cancel them," you said softly. Your father gave you an upset stare. "What do you mean? You can cancel them," he demanded. "Mr. Ambroise, please. I understand. Your daughter is still a young girl with the whole world to explore. I can simply meet with her on another day," Starrick explained quickly. As much as you despised this man, you were truly thankful for his intervention. "Of course we can," you lied, a happy tone gracing your voice. "Now, Mr. Ambroise, can we go to your study to discuss more private matters," the Templar man continued. Your father nodded and walked to his study with Starrick.

As soon as they were out of the room, you ran upstairs, changing into the green jacket, black shirt, and plaid green pants. You tied a yellow sash around you waist and quickly headed back downstairs, going to the back door. "(Y/N), where are you going," your mother asked quickly. You hugged her tightly. "I'm heading out for the night. Please tell father I'm staying the night at a friend's house and there's no need to worry," you explained quickly. Your mother sighed softly. "Don't worry. I'll tell him," she said. "Now go, before your father catches you dressed in this ridiculous attire." You laughed softly. "I forgot to tell you, I joined a gang," you whispered before running out the back door and down the street. "Be safe, (Y/N)," your mother called after you, a hint of anger in her voice.

You ran into the city, right into the Westminster district. "Fantastic... Now to find Jacob...," you mumbled to yourself. You found a few Rooks walking down the street. "Excuse me, do any of you know where Mr. Frye is," you asked softly. "Pr'olly back on the train," one of the men answered. "Thank you, sir," you said happily before running off to the train station. You waited until a train pulled into a station that no passengers seemed to be getting on or off. You hopped onto the train to see your younger brothers sitting in a booth, talking to each other.

"Well look who decided to join us," Basile teased. "How was your little date with Starrick?" You rolled your eyes and looked around. "Where's Jacob," you asked. "Right here," Jacob's voice answered as he walked into the carriage. "You alright?" "Never better," you answered quickly. Jacob chuckled and leaned back against the wall. "You mean to tell me that you're perfectly alright after a run-in with Starrick," Jacob asked, somewhat amused. "I'm a bit shaken up from that, but much better now that I'm here," you corrected yourself. Jacob smiled softly and chuckled softly. "I have some information for you... It's probably not much though..," you said softly, looking up into Jacob's eyes. "Then let's go discuss it," Jacob said softly, walking into another carriage. Your brothers started to chuckle as you slowly followed behind the assassin. 

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