Chapter 2

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You got home, greeted by your father at the door. "Souris, I was getting worried," your father sighed. You bit your lip, debating over whether you should tell your father about the assassin. "I just got a bit lost in the streets, nothing I couldn't handle," you lied, smiling a little at your father. You handed him the letters before wandering further into the house. "Is something bothering you, Souris," your father inquired. "No, nothing's wrong. What worries you, father," you asked. Your father stared at you for a minute, not fully convinced but brushed it off. "If you need anything, I'll be in my office," he said, heading down the hall to his office.

You sighed and slowly headed upstairs to your room. "Basile! Dimitri! Come here," you called. No one answered. You quickly walked back down the stair, down to your father's office. "Father, where are Basile and Dimitri," you asked quickly. "I think they headed into town, something about helping out a friend or something," your father's voice said, his French accent thicker than usual. You quickly headed toward the front door, planning on going out into town again. "I'm going to join Basile and Dimitri," you hollered to your father, quickly heading out the front door and running toward the city.

You had gotten into a habit of constantly chasing after your two younger brothers. One of them was your twin and the other was two years younger than you but they were still equally rambunctious. Basile was the youngest of the two boys. He was tall with a slim muscular frame and short, curly brown hair. Dimitri, your twin, looked similar to Basile, but was incredibly skinny by comparison to his brother. He had longer brown hair that he always wore a dark colored driving cap over. Both boys were always getting into trouble, resulting in you having to fix the situation. Most times, you joined in on their shenanigans, causing your father and mother to have to get all three of you out of trouble.

Your brothers had managed to get themselves into a gang. Frankly, you hadn't the slightest idea how Dimitri was still alive. Basile was probably the only reason he was still in one piece. The gang issue was a strict secret that the two had only shared with you. They had joined a gang called the Rooks, which had formally been called the Clinkers. You had been a bit taken aback when your brothers had told you. The Rooks were run by the twin assassins your father had warned you about, one of them being the man you had run into early in the day.

As you wandered through the streets, you found a group of Rooks heading down the street, two familiar brunettes following toward the back of the group. One of them donned a green and gold striped shirt and the other wearing a green and gold plaid jacket. Both wore a piece of gold cloth tied around their waist. "Basile! Dimitri," you hollered, catching the attention of the whole gang. The two boys were the last ones to turn around. Even as they faced you, they couldn't bring their eyes up to meet yours. Murmurs broke out throughout the gang as you stood in front of them.

"What do you want, (Y/N)," Basile finally answered. "I need to talk to you. It's urgent," you said quietly, trying not to let too many of the other Rooks hear you. "We can't..," Dimitri said softly. "Sœur, sister, please listen." As if on cue, a man in a top hat pushed through the group. "What seems to be the problem," he asked. It was the assassin from earlier. "Ah, Miss. Ambroise, I was wondering when I would be seeing you again," he said, a small smile appearing on his face. You glanced over his shoulder at your brothers, who were nervously watching the man. "Mr. Frye, monsieur. That would be my sister, the one I was speaking to you about earlier, Souris," Dimitri joined in.

"It's (Y/N), not Souris. Only my father calls me that," you corrected your brother. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)," Jacob commented, obviously knowing that you and your brother would get into an argument. "Your brother has spoken very highly of you." You smiled softly at that statement. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well...," you started. "Jacob. Jacob Frye," the assassin continued for you. The man smiled at you, his brown eyes turning a shade of amber when the sunlight hit them. You found yourself staring into them, losing yourself in his eyes. A kick to the back of the leg by your twin had to snap you out of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Frye," you said again. Your brothers slowly turned and started to head back into the mob of Rooks.

"Now what is it that you needed to speak to your brothers so urgently about," Jacob asked, grabbing the two boys by the back of their jacket collars, stopping them from leaving. You couldn't come up with what to say in the moment. You just stood there staring up at Jacob. "Je veux rejoindre les Rooks," you finally said. Jacob looked Dimitri, who looked just as clueless as you did. "You want to join the Rooks," the assassin finally asked. You quickly nodded. "Oui monsieur," you said quietly. Jacob chuckled softly and let go of your brothers, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "Well then, Miss. Ambroise. Welcome to the Rooks."

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