Chapter 3

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You walked with Jacob, his arm still wrapped around your shoulders. You felt like you were being babied by this man. Sure you were younger than him, but he didn't need to walk you through the streets like a lost puppy. "Sir, I'm a grown woman. I do not require you to lead me from place to place. I'm capable of doing that on my own," you said, removing the man's arm from your shoulders. Jacob simply laughed it off. "I certainly seemed to have underestimated you, Miss. Ambroise," he said softly. "At our first encounter, you certainly appeared to be wrapped around your dear father's finger. Your brothers assured me that wasn't the case and they were certainly right." You gave the man a slightly annoyed look. "Alright, I take it you're not one for jokes," Jacob stated. "Did we get off on the wrong foot?"

You shook your head. "It's not that. I'm...I'm just thinking. Je suis désolé, my mind is elsewhere," you quickly apologized. The assassin offered you a small smile. "It's perfectly alright, Miss. Ambroise," he said softly. "Please don't be so formal, Mr. Frye. You can call me (Y/N). There's no need for my surname to be used while I'm with the Rooks," you corrected him. Jacob nodded and chuckled. "And you can call me Jacob. I'm not one for formality either," he answered. You smiled softly. "When do I get a uniform," you asked quickly, suddenly realizing how out-of-place you seemed, wearing your day dress. Jacob chuckled and looked you over. "What? You mean you can't fight in this horrible contraption," he asked jokingly as he poked at your corset. "You try wearing it and tell me," you responded. "It'shard enough to breathe in it, let alone be constantly running around.

Jacob signaled for Dimitri and your twin ran over. "Yes, Mr. Frye," he asked. "Before you head home for the day, get a uniform for your dear sister here so she can start tomorrow," Jacob explained. "Yes, sir. Is that all," Dimitri continued with a nod. "Yes it is. Go back to your brother now," the assassin added. You watched Dimitri run back over to Basile and looked up at Jacob. "Tomorrow? Don't I get any training," you asked, your eyes widening slightly. "Your training is called experience," Jacob explained. "And I trust that you'll do pretty good saying as you grew up with those two."

You laughed softly and watched your brothers as they walked, pushing each other and messing with each other in their usual boyish way. "They're a handful but I wouldn't trade them for the world," you said softly. Jacob chuckled softly and looked down at you. "They both speak very highly of you, especially Dimitri," he commented. You smiled softly. Dimitri was your little brother (only by about 10 minutes) but growing up, he was also your best friend. The two of you were inseparable back in France but when you moved to London, things changed. You were expected to stay at home with your mother and Dimitri and Basile were expected to go out and get a job.

"I'm glad to hear that actually..," you said quietly. "Anyways, I can have your brothers look after you until you get the hang of fighting if you'd like," Jacob continued. You nodded. "That would be fantastic," you answered. Jacob smiled and patted your back. "Now run along home. I suspect your father won't be too happy if you're not home by dinner," he joked. The assassin meant that statement as a joke but it was completely true. Your father hated it went you weren't home for dinner. "I should probably head home..," you said quietly. The man in the top hat nodded. "Run along then," he said softly. He sounded rather sad when he said that but sent you on your way.

When you got home, you were still smiling widely. "What is it, Souris," your father asked as you wandered into the main room of the house. "I met the nicest man while I was out in the city, papa," you answered. He smiled softly. "That's great," he responded. "Now go get cleaned up for dinner. We're having guests over." You nodded and quickly headed upstairs, changing to a nicer dress than what you had been wearing, the skirt much more constricting and the neckline far lower. You fixed your hair and pinches your cheeks to give them a rosy color. You slowly headed back downstairs, hearing your mother's voice in the kitchen. You smiled widely and ran into the kitchen, hugging your mother tightly. "Hello, mon beau (my beautiful)," she said in her usual husky voice, laughing softly. She kissed your forehead and went back to cooking. 

"What has you in such a good mood," your mother asked softly as she made dinner. You leaned back against the counter, attempting to stretch your back at least a little bit in your corset. "I met the most amazing man today," you explained happily. Your mother put down the knife she was using an looked up at you. "Ma fille (my daughter), what is he like," she asked, incredibly excited about the situation. It wasn't everyday that you came home talking about a man. You had the 'I don't need no man' mentality, so coming home and obsessing over a boy. "His name is Jacob. He just recently moved to the city but he's from Angleterre (England)," you started. "He's friends with Dimitri and Basile... But please. Don't tell father about him." Your mother seemed confused at your request. "Please mother....," you begged, lowering your voice to a whisper. "He's one of the assassins father warned us about. He's really not a bad man, I swear!" 

Your mother stayed silents for a few seconds. "You know I don't completely agree with what your father does. As long as Jacob treats you well, I won't say a word to your father," she said quietly. You hugged her tightly again. "You are incroyable (amazing)," you said happily. You let go of her and quickly helped her finish dinner. Your father wandered in a while later, dressed much more formal than always. "He should be here soon," you father explained, obviously quite nervous for the arrival of his guest. You helped your mother set the table just as Dimitri and Basile came home. Dimitri walked over to give you your Rook uniform but saw your father and quickly dragged your younger brother upstairs with him. 

"Où diable sont tes frères (Where the Hell are your brothers?)," your father asked. "Thank the Lord that at least one child of mine behaves well and listens to me." You forced back a laugh at that statement as you put some plates down. "I just saw them run upstairs. They were caught up with something in town when I had seen them," you explained. The boys ran down a few minutes later in their dress pants, dress shirt, and vests. Dimitri had his driver's cap on as usual. "It's about time," your father snapped at them as there was a knock on the door. Your father sighed and ran over to the door, fixing his jacket before opening it. "Ah, sir , welcome to my house," he said happily. "That's the man that Jacob and Evie are after," Dimitri whispered as the man walked into the house. 

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