Chapter 5

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You walked into a carriage that seemed like it functioned as a living space. There was a bed, a desk, and a chair. Simple, but nice. You stood awkwardly at the end of the carriage. "You can sit," Jacob said softly. You nodded and took a seat in the chair, looking over at him. "The only thing I got from them was some shipping information for some important supplies...," you said softly. "Do you think you could write it down for me," Jacob said as he handed you a notebook. "My sister won't listen to me unless I have it in writing." You laughed softly and nodded, grabbing the book from him. You slowly started writing down the information, struggling to spell out some of the words. You weren't the best at English, but you were definitely trying your best.

"I'm sorry if it's hard to read.. English isn't my first language," you said quietly. Jacob took the book back and read what you had written. "I know, you're French," he said back, smiling softly. You smiled back, still staring at the man. "J'ai peur, Jacob... (I'm scared, Jacob...)," you admitted quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. Jacob set the notebook down and walked over to you. "Why," he asked softly, his smile slowly fading. "Of him... Starrick, I mean..," you continued. Jacob placed a hand on your shoulder. "I won't let him hurt you, (Y/N)," he assured you. "I promise." You smiled softly and stood up, hugging him tightly. "Merci, Jacob (Thank you, Jacob)," you whispered. Jacob hugged you back. "You're welcome, (Y/N)," he said softly.

There was certainly something about this assassin that made you feel comfortable around him. "I should probably get back to my brothers... We need to find a place to stay for the night," you said softly, glancing down at the ground. "The three of you can stay here for the night," Jacob stated as you walked with him back to Dimitri and Basile. "Are you sure, Mr. Frye," Basile asked quickly. "We could stay with a friend in town," Dimitri continued for Basile. Jacob held his hand up to them and they went silent. "Please boys, I insist," he said with a chuckle. "Yes, sir, Mr. Frye," Basile said, nodding once.

By later that night, after a few drinks, your brothers had managed to fall asleep in the booth you all had been sitting in. You stayed up, talking with Jacob for a short time longer before he headed off to sleep. "So, you and Jacob are pretty close," Dimitri said, startling you. "He's just an acquaintance," you argued, furrowing your eyebrows at your twin. "Votre mensonge est presque aussi mauvais que votre cuisine (Your lying is almost as bad as your cooking)," the boy said as he cracked up laughing. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. "I'm going to sleep," you finally said before heading over to a padded seat beside the booth. "Aw, little Souris can't handle the teasing," Dimitri continued teasing. "I'm choosing to ignore you," you argued before drifting off to sleep.

You were shaken awake the next morning by Dimitri. "You've got to get home. A group of Rooks said they saw père in town this morning and he did not look happy," Basile explained quickly. You groaned and slowly stood up. "Allons-y (Let's go)! I don't want to get in anymore trouble," you said, an obvious annoyance in your voice. The three of you got off at the next train station and quickly headed home. You all wandered to the backdoor and opened in, leaning around the door frame to look into the kitchen. "Mother, is papa home," you asked quietly, seeing your mother in the kitchen. "He went out to look for you three," she answered as you and your brothers filed into the room.

"Well, we're here," Basile stated. Your mother raised an eyebrow at him. "I can see that, Basile," she said softly. You, Dimitri, and Basile slowly headed upstairs, changing out of your uniforms. You changed into a simple dress and went to help your mother in the kitchen. "Which friend did you all spend the night with," your mother asked as Dimitri and Basile headed into the kitchen after you. "We stayed with Jacob," Dimitri answered. "But (Y/N) stayed with Evie," Basile added quickly, elbowing Dimitri in the side. "Ah, okay," your mother said, never looking up from the dishes she was cleaning. "(Y/N), your father isn't too happy with the way you were acting around Mr. Starrick last night."

You froze, not being able to say anything for a few seconds. "You can't actually expect me to pretend to like that horrible excuse for a human," you spat at her. "I expect you to respect the opportunities that your father has given you and to be thankful for it," she argued, putting down the plate in her hands. "When I was your age, I was already married and was expecting a child." You glanced over at your brothers, who had a rather shocked look on their faces. Your mother rarely raised her voice at you in the past and now she was sticking it to you. "You should be grateful that your father is trying to marry you off now and not earlier," she continued, her voice getting progressively more upset, before turning to point a finger at Dimitri and Basile. "And all three of you should be happy I haven't told your father about your adventures with the Assassins!"

"Mère, s'il vous plaît ," you begged. "Don't be like this." You went to walk away but your mother grabbed your wrist. "(Y/N), you need to start taking your role in society. You'll make our family look bad, and we can't afford to soil the Ambroise name," she explained harshly. You yanked your wrist out of her grasp and walked over to your brothers. "Then have one of them step up! I can make my own decisions," you snapped. "I'm going out." With that said, he headed out of the house. Where you were going, you had no idea. You just needed to get away from your mother.

"Sœur! Hold on!" You turned to see Dimitri running after you. "What," you asked softly, holding back tears. You didn't want to let your family down like your mother said you were, but you wanted to be able to make your own decisions in life. Dimitri frowned and hugged you tightly to his chest. You hugged him back, starting to cry into his shoulder. "(Y/N), you're the most amazing sister I could've asked for. Don't listen to mother, she's just frustrated with what's going on right now. She's taking her anger out on us. She doesn't mean it," he said softly, gently rubbing your back. "And if anyone is letting our family down, it's definitely Basile." You laughed and looked up at Dimitri. "Be nice," you joked softly.

A wide smile appeared on Dimitri's face and he dried your tears with the cuff of his sleeve. "Go spend the day with Mr. Frye. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but I think the boss fancies you," he said softly. You felt your face heat up slightly at your twin's comment. "You don't mean that," you said softly. "Oh yes I do. Now go find him," Dimitri laughed as he turned you around and started pushing you toward the street. You stopped and hugged your brother again. "Thank you, Dimitri. I owe you," you said quietly. "No you don't. Now, go," Dimitri said back before heading back to the house. You rolled your eyes and headed into the city to find Jacob.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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