Im Sorry I Cant Help It Im An Addict

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Alan's P.O.V
I found myself laying in my bed with Austin's arms wrapped around me I could get used to this but we have to get to school. "Hey Austin get up we need to get ready for school"
"Okay fine" I got up and changed into some random cloth I found in my closet. "Austin you haven't gone home in like three days you're late at are going to be so mad at you "I know but it all worth it sing here with you"
"But I feel bad I'm taking you away from your family"
"Fine if it'll make you feel better I'll go home today"
"Thank you well let's go" we walked out the door and made our way to school. I felt Austin's hand slip into mine and it was comforting I loved it. We were five minutes away from school and I felt Austin start to let go of my hand I hated that we couldn't walk into school hand in hand. We arrived to school and I spotted Andy by his car so I explained to Austin I was going to go see him to explain what happened yesterday. He saw me walking towards him and walked closer to me "Andy I'm sorry for what happened yesterday I know it looked bad I swear he was just making sure I was alright"
"I know I know and it's okay I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me today after your soccer match it would end at seven right so we got time"
"Yeah that'd be great I would love to stop by me at 7:30"
"Okay princess" Oh gosh he called me princess it doesn't sound the same from when Austin calls me ginger princess. I quickly got to first period one of my favorite periods now because it's me and Austin's safe place now. I got to my seat and say down "what did he say" Austin asked me "he actually asked me on a date he's kind of was acting way to nicely it was kind if weird"
"Oh okay when is it"
"Today after our soccer match with you know who"
"About that are you going to be okay I can tell the coach that you got hurt or something"
"No no I guess it's time for me to face him"
"Okay" he said as he kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me. The teacher came in and started teaching passed out our homework and assignment for that class period. "Okay guys partner up and do your work" me and Austin started to do out paperwork before the bell rang. We got through the classes and finally the part of the day I've been dreading the most the soccer match. I saw the bus of their school and then that's when I saw him I quickly ran to the locker room changed into my shorts and soccer jersey I saw Austin come in and he asked me if I was okay and if I could really play this game. "Yes I think I'll feel better if we can win this game I'll feel like I beat him in some type if way you get what I'm saying". He nodded his head yeah and got down to tie my shoes "okay come on let's go we need to get lined up". We went out and the first face I saw was his and he gave me a little smirk I ignored it and kept walking with my head held high everyone was introduced then finally it came to me "And everyone's favorite ginger Alan Ashby also known as Ginger Princess"
Damn you Austin I thought he told them about that nickname I blushed lightly as Austin looked at me everyone was done getting introduced and the team got together in a circle in the middle of the stadium and yelled out "CLAIREMONT CLAIREMONT CLAIREMONT" I gave Austin a little kiss on the cheek while we we're still in a little group so nobody would notice. Finally it was game time we all got in our positions Austin was up front as a forward and i was a midfielder so I stayed in the middle I saw him coming with the ball and I ran towards him "hello ashby I've been dying to see you" he was trying to distract me he was trying to get in my head but I wouldn't let that happen while he was too busy talking to me I took the ball and ran I passed it to Austin and he scored. We had a minute to celebrate Austin came running to me and he picked me up we knew we couldn't kiss or anything so he put me down and hugged me "okay now back to positions". I was doing good at ignoring him till he scored and looked straight at me and blew a kiss and then all the memories of that miserable night came back. I was so glad it was half time i had 15 minutes to get my head straight i got in the locker room as everyone followed i went to wash my face and Austin followed behind me."Hey Alan are you alright" "Y-yeah I'm fine I just need a minute" I sat down and Austin sat down next to me "you know I love you right" "Yes and I love you too Austin" he hugged me and gave me a small kiss "Okay you guys are doing great we're tied and we need to win this so get out there and make me proud and lets win our first game does anyone know where Ashby and Carlile are" "Probably making out in the back" Vic said Austin and I made our way to the front where everyone could see us "I agree with coach" I said "if we score one more goal and for the rest of the game protect our side we have a won game". "We are doing what Alan just said" coach announced "everyone got it" everyone nodded their heads we walked out of the locker rooms and took our places on the field. I took my spot on the bench even though I didn't want to coach had to give me a break but the good thing was that Austin was also on the bench we talked till coach told us to get back in the game and took two players out I got in my spot and i was ready to score when I got the ball I took my chance and ran with it till I saw two people coming at me so I took my shot I was about four feet away from the goal so I was scared I wouldn't make it. I heard disappointed screams but I also heard cheering ones I opened my eyes and the second i did I felt someone tackle me "You did it Alan you fucking scored the goal we needed" Austin gave me a kiss on the cheek then got back to his spot and I got back to mine. For the rest of the game we did exactly as planned we protected our side and we won the game. When it was over me and Austin were the first ones in the locker room so we went to the back and he gave me a kiss "I'm so proud of you princess but I guess you have to leave for your date so I'll see you later" "I'm not leaving just yet I still need to do one last thing" I told him and before he could answer I pulled him I for a kiss till we heard someone clear their throat. "Guys i ship Cashby a lot but I don't appreciate you guys making out and giving each other hickeys at my locker" Vic said shit I thought it was someone else I got so scared "okay so I'll see you tomorrow Austin" I said as he replied with a simple bye.

There's that chapter hope you enjoyed leave a comment stating your opinion

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