Life's Too Short To Even Care At All

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Alan's P.O.V

I was so ready for this practice since I haven't worked out in a long time it would be good for the baby's. Austin helped me stretch carefully trying not to hurt me before the rest of the guys came out to practice.Everyone greeted us happily excited to have us back except one person ..... Oli. 

"Okay everyone laps for 15 minutes" coach yelled out and set the timer.

 Me and Austin ran at the same pace because he insisted so. When I finally convinced him to go at his own speed I got lonely and regretted it but how was he going to get better at running if I was holding him back. After a couple minutes Oliver replaced Austin 

"So I hear you're pregnant Ashby is it true" He asked and I could feel the hate spilling from his voice. 

"No I don't know what you're talking about" I said trying to speed up but he caught up quickly.

"That baby is probably isn't even Austin's you were probably whoring around and got knocked up and pinned it on Austin" He said making tears well up in my eyes. 

"You're so  worthless and pathetic you knew he wouldn't stay with you so you had to pin those kids on him" Oliver continued to throw hurtful words at me. 

"Leave me alone please" I whispered with tears streaming down my cheeks. 

"Saved by the bell" He said the coaches timer went off in the stadium speakers.

"Hey babe" Austin says as he catches up to me. 

I quickly wipe my tears away and look at him.

"Alan what's wrong have you been crying?" He asks me.

"No I just have allergies" I say hoping to get away with it. 

"Alan I live with you I've known you for almost our whole lives you and just now you have allergies" He says reminding that I can't lie to him. 

"It was Oliver he said something but it's okay" I say hoping to stop Austin from doing anything stupid. 

"I'm going to kill him now tell me what he said" Austin sad grabbing my hand and started pulling us in the direction of Oliver.

"No Austin leave it alone please" I say begging him.

"Fine only for right now" He says and then pulls us towards where coach had just now started giving directions. 

"One half of the team will be skins the other shirts and I'll tell you what team you're one" He said looking down at his clipboard. 

"Skins will be Oliver, Alan, Jaime, Mike, Calum, and Kellin" Coach said and pointed to what side we would be on. 

"Coach I can't be skins" I said protesting.

"Why is that Mr.Ashby" He asked.

"Uhhh uhh I-I

"It's a medical thing" Austin said saving me.

"Alright Austin you switch to skins" Okay said and started to call out the shirts team. 

"Why can't you be skins Alan what are you too scared that everyone will see that you're getting bigger and bigger with those horrible babies in your stomach you do know they'll all find out at some point." Oliver said. 

"Oliver shut up" I said through gritted teeth.

"No everyone deserves to know you're pregnant" He said with an ugly smirk on his face. 

"That's it" Austin said and then punched Oliver in the face. 

"STOP WE CAME TO PLAY BALL NOT FIGHT LIKE DOGS" coach yelled out and separated Austin and Oliver. 

"Now everyone get into your positions so we can get practice going again" he said and blew his whistle once everyone was in their positions and ready to play. I got the ball first and ran with it before Austin came and took. 

"Not just because I love you I'm going to let you win pretty boy" He said and took off.

He passed the ball to Jaime and he scored he went back to his position but as he passed he gave me a kiss on the cheek which made me smile. Oliver had the ball so I took it and ran towards the goal but he catched up to me with his long legs. He took the ball back and ran I ran faster this time and got in front of him. I was about 10 feet in front of him and he kicked the ball straight to my stomach I tried to not get hit but it was too late. 

"Oops" He said and smiled. 

I fell to the ground holding my babies that were in pain I saw Austin running towards me. 

"We need to go to a doctor now" He said as he picked me up and ran towards the car . 

"I swear I'm going to kill him" He said as he layed me down on the backseat. 

We quickly drove to the hospital and once we got there I was taken into a room where my doctor was waiting for me.  He got me ready for my ultrasound and then started looking at my children. 

"Oh no" He whispered under his breath. 

"Wh-What happened is it bad" I asked nervously hoping for the best. 

"I can only hear one of the babies heart beat and only one is moving" He said.

"Are you saying my son or daughter is dead" Austin said with tears welling in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" the doctor said and continued to look at the screen. 

"It looks like the girl is the one that survived" He said. 

"We're going to have to remove the boy if we want the girl to be able to grow healthy" He said and I nodded as I cried. 

"When" I asked 

"We can do it now" He said.

"Okay" I said softly to weak to say anything else. 


Hope you enjoyed     

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