Now That I'm A Big Star

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Alan's P.O.V

I saw Mattys text to Austin and I quickly snatched his phone and typed in "Leave me the hell alone" I was just waiting for an answer so I kept Austin's phone and continued to play with Michael. This little boy was so adorable if I was legally the age to adopt someone I would adopt Michael but then I remembered that I had a little problem of my own how was I supposed to tell my parents this but then I think they'd understand I mean my mom knew this could happen.

Ring Ring

It was Matty calling Austin's phone so I picked it up "listen here Austin if yo-"

"Cut the crap Matty I know about it" I said walking away from Austin and Michael.

"I'm going to leak these little secrets are you really willing to pay the price to keep your little affair with Austin going because once Andy finds out he's so not going to be happy" I could here his hate for me dripping from his voice.

"Do it I dare you I will sue your ass and trust me I got the best lawyer of the whole state" I was referring to Austin's dad it wasn't a lie he has the award and everything.

"I knew Matty was thinking but I also knew he wouldn't give up that easy"

"Fine whatever" he said hanging up I knew this wasn't going to last long he would make us believe he gave up but in reality he was just planning something but we would be happy while it lasted. I walked back to Austin and Michael which was now joined by John (idk if thats his name) Austin's father.

"Okay so now that we're all here I called the judge and explained that I was trying to adopt Michael and so he said that since he knew me for years we wouldn't have to go through all the process so he just needed the child's birth certificate and the mother's consent and he was legally my child".

"That's great Mr.Carlile but I have to go home and take care of some business but I'll come by tomorrow to see little Mikey here" I said as I walked away and heard Austin coming behind me.

"What are you going to do" he questioned as I walked towards the front door.

"Something I should done a while ago but I'll explain later" I said giving him a peck on the lips. Dumb Alan why would you do that what if he didn't want to what if he only wanted to help with the baby as a friendly way not as the dad. I walked home and I pulled out my phone and dialed Andy's number on the second ring he picked up.

"What's up babe he said as he answered"

"Um Andy I need to talk to you and this is serious"

"Um okay what's up"

"I w-wanna b-break up with y-you" I said nervously stuttering over my words.

"Alan you know damn well you can't break up with me"

"Well I just did and I'M NOT GOING TO BE YOUR PUPPET ANYMORE SO I SAID IT'S OVER ANDY SO IT'S OVER" I hung up the phone and I don't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from. I was seriously done with his shit I was done with him treating me however he wanted and most of all I was done with his hits we all have our limits and I had reached mine. I then called Austin to tell him what had happened and he was so happy he said he was coming over and ten minutes had gone by when I heard a knock on the front door.

"Oh Austin you're here already" I said as I opened the door

*Rape warning*

"Oh dear I'm not Austin" Andy said grabbing me by my hair and dragging me inside and shutting the door.

"A-Andy what are you doing here" I asked

"I decided to drop by he said and since you never gave me what I wanted from you I'm going to take it" he said as he ripped my shirt off.

"NO ANDY STOP PLEASE" I begged but he wouldn't listen to my pleads he just continued to remove my pants and then my boxers. I cried my eyes out as I continued to beg him not to I can't believe this is happening to me again but this time it was worse. I had a baby inside of me and he could maybe hurt him and I don't know what I would do I suddenly felt a very sharp pain down in my ass he had went in me raw and it hurt some much.

"Andy please stop" I cried out.

"No you slut I'm almost there" he said said as he slapped me to shut me up. Then I heard the door open and it was Austin and he saw me and Andy so he ran and tackled Andy to the ground he started throwing punches but Andy quickly defended himself and punched Andy back. I wasted no time to call 911 I tried to get Austin off but it was no use soon the police arrived and handled it from there. They didn't charge Austin with anything they just had to call his dad but then they let him go thank god. However I was still sat in a corner of my house with the paramedics making sure I was alright since I was still crying my eyes out.

Austin soon came over and everyone else left he carried me to my room and we lyed there while I cried in his arms and he whispered sweet things in my ear "Alan I love you and I will never let you go" where the last words I heard as I fell asleep.


Wellllllll there's that chapter so yeah I'm out * runs away

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