Chapter 3

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  Settled and relaxed after the chaotic events that had happened that night, you rest your exhausted body onto the couch. You feel yourself sink into the cushions and being flooded with warmth as you snuggle up into one of the fluffiest and softest blankets you ever had wrapped yourself into. Hell, you didn't even realize how cold you were until you relax into your temporary bed.

  Briefly unlocking your phone to play music to sleep to quietly, your phone suddenly starts vibrating and playing your ringtone as you see the name of your ex boyfriend on the screen. Contemplating whether or not you should answer, you wait out the call. You eventually let it go out to voicemail, acting as if you didn't know you had gotten the call. Your phone gets inflated with text messages from him not long afterwards, reading them as they are received.

"please answer"
"i need you back"
"im sorry about what I did"
"it was wrong of me to do that"
"i wont do it ever again, i promise"
"just please come back so we can both go to sleep together again"

  You hesitate replying, not wanting to further the conversation. You do not want to talk to him. Never again. He's always treated you like garbage. Never once had he ever thought about your opinion. He was stuck with the thought of the world revolving around himself. You suffered with having to deal with his bullshit. Not anymore. Never again.

You look back at the screen. You can see the time stamps for the messages. He messaged you between 1:45 AM to 1:47 AM. Damn, it was late.

  You go into your system settings and mute the text messages for now. Going back to what you were doing before,  you unpause and relax to the sounds of a piano and bells chiming in the music.

  About 15 minutes pass, and the music ends. You're still awake. The silence is so dreary, it's almost unsettling. You're in someone else's home and oddly enough, you feel... alone. It seems like the only noise you can hear is your breathing and heartbeat. You contemplate going to Niall, but you felt guilty since you didn't want to bug him. What feels like centuries pass as you wait for yourself to fall asleep. Minute by minute, you just wish your body would let you have a break from the drama that occurred and just rest. Only now did you notice a grandfather clock ticking in the background. That, or your just going plain crazy and imagining that in your head.
Should I talk to him...? You ponder. But I don't want to disturb him, he needs to sleep as much as I do. Then again, I feel that I just need the comfort of someone else by me...

You let out an exhausted sigh and lift your body from Niall's couch, popping joints in your back and the blanket slipping down to your waist as you turn to the side and sit towards the edge, your hands holding your upper body up by gripping your knees. You feel your hands go towards your face and replacing your hands with your elbows. The gentle breeze that flows around the house sends a shiver up your spine, and you get up with the blanket over your shoulders and wrapped around your body, the warmth engulfing you in a feeling of relaxation.

Soft footsteps could be barely heard as you tread lightly on the carpet of the YouTuber's house, as not to disturb anything that might possibly be awake. The only thing you can seem to hear is your heart beating heavily as you take each step closer to his bedroom, the rhythm drums in your chest and to your ears. Heavy breaths exhale from you as you become aware of how anxious you are. There's no reason for me to be so scared about this. He's just being the generous and the kind friend he is... right...?

You snap out of your thoughts as you find yourself in front of Niall's bedroom door. Should I knock, or just slip in...? Would it be rude to sneak inside, or would he simply just not mind at all?

You put your hand out and in front of your body with it shaking and feeling ten times heavier than it actually is. You move your hand inches closer to the door knob, eventually resting onto it lightly...

• • •

<< To be continued! >:3 Suffer the pain of a cliffhanger!! >>

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