Chapter 6

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  << wow, I am so sorry that this fic went on a complete halt for months !! I guess I hit a writers block and didn't know how to continue it (つд`)
but here it is !! A brand new chapter !! I hope you enjoy !! >>

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  There's faint sound of birds chirping, along with light piercing into your eyes. A slight groan comes out of you as you forcefully shut your eyelids and stretch. The beam of sunlight greets you with open arms as your groggy mind wakes up. Last night...

You lean up to get a better view of your surroundings with your back slouching forward with that sense of tiredness radiating. Rubbing your face as you do so, you look around for a certain someone-

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. Lookin' fine as ever."

There he is.

"Oh shut up, you," you tease with a cheery tone and a cracking voice from just now waking up. "I don't know how you can just wake up and be so active."

  "Truth is," he says, "I've been awake for about 3 hours now. It's 11AM, sleepyhead."

  Oh my god, I can't believe I've just slept in for such a long time. I'm overstaying my welcome, I should probably leave as soon as I can...

  "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!" you exclaim in guilt, "I should probably get going and give you your privacy, I really hope that me mistakingly sleeping in wasn't such an annoyance to you..!" You direct your gaze to your folded hands in your lap and anxiously twiddle with your thumbs.

Niall looks at you for a moment with confusion then starts laughing. You look back up as to see what was so funny, but you're clueless. He's just laughing. You're about to ask why he was laughing, but he answers before you spoke,
"(Y/N), it's fine. You don't need to worry so much. Now, why don't you get yourself fixed up or something; you can use my shower if you need to. Also, I plan on heading out for a quick bite to eat for lunch, want to come with me?"

  Surprised by his generosity, you stutter out a "thank you."
  "I'd love to go out with you! I'm really grateful on how nicely you're treating me," You say. A second passes and you realize what you had said. Your face gets warm with embarrassment as you exclaim, "wait, no! Not like going out with you in that kind of way! I mean, l-like as in go out for lunch! I didn't mean to say it like that."

  You can hear Niall laughing again as you fluster at how that sounded like you wanted to date him... Thinking about it, what would it be like to actually go out with him..? No, I shouldn't even be wondering about this. There's no way he's going to hook up with someone like me.

  "Your very welcome, (Y/N). I'm glad to have someone accompany me. I'm gonna go and get ready for us to be leaving, take your time on getting ready as well," he says with a smile. He leaves the room, and gives you a wink just before he's out of your sight.

  Time to get up, sleeping beauty.

• • •

  Just out of the shower, you grab a towel Niall graciously left for you and wrap it around yourself. You look in the mirror as you dry off, staring at your half-bare figure. You remove your attention away from yourself quickly in fear of bringing thoughts of self hatred and taking too long. God, your ex has destroyed your self esteem to the point where you have noticed how much he has. You really weren't like this before him.

  Grabbing some spare clothes from your bag, you dress yourself as you wrap your towel on head around your hair to dry it. You leave the bathroom and notice the change from the warm shower to the room temperature. It's actually quite relaxing. After removing the towel and tossing it into a laundry bin, you grab a hairbrush you happened to bring and make yourself look fairly decent with the condition you're in. Once you were done, you put it back in the bag along with the clothes you were wearing before and set it next to the bathroom door. Walking down the hall, you turn your attention to Niall who was on the couch messing around with things on him phone. Probably messaging some other friends or checking his new Twitter account since his original one got suspended and was now inaccessible. Noticing your presence, he glances towards your direction and smiles, acknowledging your existence.

  "Ready to go, sunshine?"

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