The Backpack

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Lowri woke to the sun shining in her eyes from a gap in the curtains. She had closed them fully the night before but then seen Mocha's tail hanging down from behind the curtains.

"Blasted cat..." dragging herself from the bed she walked over to the window and braced herself before opening the curtains. The sun was bright and there was no clouds. Lowri squinted and seen the black silhouette sitting just outside the window, perching on the gutters. Olive!

She quickly opened the window and held her arm out. Olive settled on her arm whilst she was brought inside, dropped the letter on the desk and flew out the door and downstairs to wait for her breakfast.

Although she was eager to know the headmasters reply she knew Olive was hungry as well as herself and the other two pets. She picked the letter up and nudged Brittle with her foot to get up.

"Come on you two, breakfast." Brittle jumped up and trotted quickly downstairs, followed by Lowri who was followed by a sleepy siamese who stopped to stretch and claw the banister before descending the stairs.

Lowri dropped the letter on the couch and emptied Olives food out into the small dish on the windowsill. After pushing Brittle out of the kitchens doorway she opened the door and looked towards the coat rack by the back door. Her fathers coat was gone. Gone already... she glanced at the clock. It's only 9:10 in the morning! Then she sighed with a frown.

"He's forgotten to leave money in the jar... AGAIN!" Brittle whined but nudged her leg in an effort to comfort her.

"Don't worry, sorry Mocha but you're either going to have to find a mouse to eat or share some of Brittles food, we've ran out of tuna and cat food..." the cat just meowed, looked at the dog then at his bowl which was stained with small bits of dried dog food and shoved into the corner of the kitchen where nobody would step it bits of food dropped onto the floor. She gave a look of disgust then walked out the cat flap with her head held high.

"She better not act stuck up at Hogwarts" Lowri scowled. She needs to appreciate things more. I'm only 11! How much does she expect from me? She was brought out of her thoughts by a loud bark.

"Oh sorry boy, got distracted." She placed a clean bowl filled with wet dog food on the floor and picked up the dirty one, placing it in the sink. Then she began to make herself marmalade on toast. Once she ate her toast she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Half of the the fridge was filled with bottles of water as she normally took one or two out with her when walking in the valleys or over the mountain range. She put it on the side table next to the arm chair and picked up Dumbledore's reply from the couch, opening it as she sat on the arm chair before Mocha came back and claimed the seat for herself.

   I understand your situation regarding your fathers feelings towards your pet. I trust your explanation of Brittle is true and will allow in this case, your dog to accompany you to Hogwarts. However you must understand some students may feel fear towards such a big dog so I have asked our grounds keeper, Rubeus Hagrid, if he will house the dog throughout the school year, which he has agreed to. I am also aware that transporting a dog of such size will be difficult on the Hogwarts express so I will be sending a package later this evening which I've placed an extendable charm on. This will allow Brittle to be transported safely to Hogwarts. It is a slightly different charm than those used on school trunks or tents. You may have read about Newt Scamander's use of it on a case for magical creatures so Brittle will be comfortable.

Good luck for your first year
Albus Dumbledore

Lowri let a tear fall. She was so happy. She wouldn't have to leave Brittle with her neglective father. Then she remembered. He Promised! We were suppose to go to Diagon Ally today but he's probably already drunk by now! She was annoyed. The first thing she'd asked from him in months and he'd let her down.

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