Defensive Dog

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Charms had been a little boring for the first years, with their first lesson consisting of practicing wrist movements for a mending charm. Lowri could tell Hermione had been especially bored as she had taught it herself and perfected it as soon as the standard book of spells level 1 had fallen into her hands.

"Where are you going?" Hermione caught Lowris arm as she set off in the opposite direction to Gryffindor tower at the end of class.

"Hagrid's." She made to leave again.

"Whose Hagrid?" Hermione continued to question, pulling Lowri back again.

"The man who brought us over the lake before sorting, he has the big bushy beard!"

"Oh... why?"

"My dog, Brittle is staying with him. He might scare someone in Gryffindor tower. Some people are scared of dogs but he's harmless." Lowri smiled as Hermione let her arm go.

"I'll see you later then, I'm going to get a head start on my homework." she turned and followed after the group of other Gryffindors.

"Ok but don't push yourself too hard with that 1ft essay we have on safety in potions!" Lowri called out, grinning and set out for Hagrids.

She'd gotten outdoors. She didn't have a clue where Hagrid actually lived except for that it was near the forest and was a hut. She walked out onto the grass then seen it round a corner and down a hill with a small group of pumpkins growing in the garden outside. As she neared the door there was an immediate sound of barking. Brittle... She knocked.

"'Hi there Lowri, how was ye first day?" Hagrid opened the door wide letting her in, she was about to answer but Brittle leaped up on her, licking her face.

"It wa- Brittle stop, goo- BRITTLE!" She managed to get him to settle down and took a seat on an uncomfortable wooden chair. " was good." Hagrid smiled at her.

"That's great, be'autiful dog ye got there, although he has ears that can hear the quietest of sounds. He'd make a great guard dog, better than Fang!"

"Oh yeah... I hope he doesn't annoy you with the barking, its pretty quiet where i live so everybody knows one another, he just gets excited." She apologized, stroking the dogs head. "Do you think Dumbledore would mind if i took him around the castle? He wouldn't attack anyone and doesn't run off... normally..." She looked at Hagrid in the eyes, almost begging. Brittle gave a small whine too.

"Ah... well, i guess a walk wouldn't hurt anyone, he needs exercise too, an i don't wanna be taking him into the forest with me an fang, just bring him back before curfew."

"Thanks Hagrid! Come on, i'll show you round boy." She opened the door and was face to face with Harry and Ron.

"What are you doing here?" Ron looked puzzled.

"Just picking Brittle up for a walk, don't worry your little self Ron." Lowri gave him a sweet smile and Brittle barked, wagging his tail at the mention of his name.

"Oh, right then..."

"Have a nice walk!" Harry said as he stepped aside letting Lowri and the dog out and then disappearing into the hut with Ron.

"Ok... no running off!" The two set back up the hill.


"Severus seems to think Quiriness has come into contact with something bad while travelling this summer." Mcgonagall complained to Flitwick, whom she was now taking smaller strides for so he was able to keep up.

"He's just paranoid Minerva, he was as a boy and is now!" He replied.

"Anyway, Albus requests all of us to attend a meeting in his office at 8 regarding you-know-what..." Mcgonagall spoke in a hush at the last part. A good move too as just then, Lowri came round the corner, Brittle by her side.

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