A Rogue Broomstick

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"Is that all you're going to eat?" Hermione began pestering Lowri on the one piece of toast she'd picked up.


"How are you going to last until lunch?"

"I don't know, Im nervous about flying on a broom and I don't want to be sick in front of everybody..." She ate a small bite of the toast. "...especially Malfoy."

"You're mad!" Ron spoke up through his bacon filled mouth.

Lowri shrugged her shoulders and left with Harry, Ron and Hermione early for their first flying lesson.

"I never thought you'd be one for arriving early for a lesson Ron." Lowri was puzzled.

"Yeah well, It's flying and not with Snape so obviously It's the best class!" He said this as though it was obvious.

After 10 minutes of more, what Lowri deemed annoying speculation on Gringotts the rest of the Gryffindors and Slytherins arrived, followed by a tall woman with weird, excited, lively, yellowish eyes.

"Alright, you're all to listen carefully to my instructions unless you want to break something!" She shouted over the wind. "I am Madam Hooch, flying instructor and I will not accept foolish behavior around these brooms!"

"What is it with this school and getting killed or seriously injured if you don't listen to the teachers?" Dean muttered from Lowri's side.

"Alright first years! Stand on the left side of your broom and hold your right hand over it." The class did as she said. "Now on three I want you all to shout 'UP', meaningfully at the broom, ready? One... Two... Three!"

Instantly there were dozens of 'Ups' being shouted, many students having to repeat themselves for the broom to finally fly into their hands. A couple students brooms immediately were in their hands, Harrys and Dracos were, Ron's flew up and smacked him in the face, Hermione's just rolled about, as did Nevilles. Lowri was amongst the majority of students who had to repeat a few times but eventually got it.

"Alright now everybody mount your brooms and again on the count of three i want you to push hard from the floor, hover for a moment then lean forward and touch back down!" The professors eyes scanned the first years faces which was returned by the nodding of heads. "One... Two... Th-"

"AHH!" Neville was panicking, gradually rising from the floor as his knuckles went white as all the strength he had was going into holding on.

"MR LONGBOTTOM! GET DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Madam Hooch tried to sound angry but failed noticing him loosing control. Lowris' head spun around, she saw only her classmates staring in shock without doing anything. Well I may not be a Gryffindor but I was put here so I might as well act like one!

She jumped forward hoping to grab the end of Neville's robe but wasn't quick enough as he slipped her reach, quickly, without thinking she mounted her own broom and flew shakily only high enough to grab his arm. Her grip tightened on his arm as she finally lost the control on her broom. As she fell she brought Neville with her and the two fell from three metres above, Neville had luckily willingly let go of his broom which continued flying and disappeared into the Forbidden Forest.

The two hit the ground and Lowri heard something crack, in fear she opened her eyes and calmed herself down expecting to feel a horrid pain somewhere, she didn't. Madam Hooch ran forward and picked Neville up from the floor whose eyes were welling up with tears as he clucked his arm, it looked broken.

"Alright all of you are to stay on the ground until i return, Longbottom's broken his arm." As Madam Hooch had almost left hearing range she shouted, sounding a bit angry but also proud. "MISS HARRISON, YOU ARE TO GO TO PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL AND INFORM HER WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO HER LION!" With that she left and Lowri was still sitting on the floor and was quickly surrounded by the Gryffindors.

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