A Natural

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Lowri arrived just in time to sit down at the only remaining seat right at the front of the class, she heard Draco laugh with Crabbe and Goyle. She didn't mind, she would learn more at the front.

The second she sat down, the door slammed open and a man strode in, the class went silent immediately.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class." His voice was deep. A name was written in the the top left corner of a black board behind him, in small and fancy writing as though he'd made it so it would be particularly difficult for anybody not on the front row to read it. Lowri grinned at the thought. That's very Slytherin of him...

It had read Professor Snape and he was now telling the class how to brew glory and bottle fame, Lowri didn't take this as seriously as some of her classmates, understanding he was only speaking metaphorically.

"Mr Potter..." He turned his attention to the back of the class, crossing his arms. "Our... new................................................................. celebrity." Bit dramatic... Lowri didn't turn around, not wanting to be dragged into any spotlight aswell.

After the Professor gave Harry a personal lecture about questions he, nor any other first year except Hermione, couldn't answer he then spun on Hermione, calling her a stupid girl for having her hand up.

"Now... you will make a simple cure for boils potion, ingredients are in the back cupboard, instructions are in your text books. Pair up, there is an odd number so one of you will either have to brew alone or create a trio. Get to it." He then turned and began writing something at his desk.

Everybody was already in pairs and starting to collect ingredients, Lowri shrugged her shoulders. Good for me, I work better alone. Nobody could distract her then and if she went wrong it would be her own fault, not somebody else ruining it for her or her ruining it for somebody else.

She read the instructions first.

Part 1
Add 6 snake fangs to the mortar.
Crush into a fine powder using the pestle.
Add 4 measures of the crushed fangs to your cauldron.
Heat the mixture to 250 for 10 seconds.
Wave your wand.
Leave to brew and return in 33-45 minutes.

Sounds easy enough...

She then collected the ingredients and made a start.

She finally waved her wand and quickly glanced around, she was the first to finish part 1. Not bad considering I started last... As she waited she read the second part of instructions.

Part 2
Add 4 horned slugs to your cauldron.
Take the cauldron off the fire before adding the next ingredient.
Add 2 porcupine quills to your cauldron.
Stir 5 times, clockwise.
Wave your wand to complete the potion.

As she was waiting to hit the 33 minute mark, she glanced around. All of the class was now waiting for part two. She looked at her watch and as soon as it was time she continued the potion. She had finished first, collecting it in a vile and handing it to Professor Snape who, surprisingly, didn't glare at her. He'd been stalking around the room this whole time to look at each persons potion, observing Lowri's for the shortest amount of time.

As Lowri began to clean up her station she looked up. No... Neville! She half ran towards him, careful not to bump into anyone. She clasped his hand just as he was about to add the porcupine quills.

"No..." she smiled kindly, knowing he was probably anxious. "You have to take the Cauldron of the fire before adding the quills, otherwise you don't know what could happen!" She lowered his hand to the table and his partner, Seamus did as she said. Then Neville added the quills. "Just keep reading over the instructions, make sure you don't skip anything!" She then walked back to the front and finished packing her bag.

Everybody handed in their samples and waited before Snape dismissed them.

"You can go, Miss Harrison... stay." He said, not removing his eyes from the desk.

"Uhh... thanks Lowri!" Neville stammered before hurrying away. Seamus followed him, leaving Lowri with a double thumbs up.

She stood just behind her desk, playing with her tie.

"Miss Harrison, I congratulate you on your performance of heroism, you saved Longbottom from a trip to the hospital wing and me from having to clean up. Stop messing with your tie!" He displayed absolutely no emotion saying anything. "Due to your early finish, I've marked your potion. Outstanding... for a first year... almost perfect. You can go." With that she thanked him and made for the door. Just before she got out she heard him mutter a small "five points to Gryffindor."

She entered the great hall for lunch, she was now starving and filled her plate with an apple, pear and two sandwiches. "What did Snape want?" Said a person sat across from her. She hadn't noticed Hermione, Ron and Harry sat there.

"He said I stopped Neville from ending up in the hospital wing and gave me five points for an almost perfect potion." She said happily after swallowing the first bite of pear.

"Snape? Gave points? To Gryffindor?!" Ron looked so shocked someone could mistake that he's just seen a mouse eat a lion.

"What's so shocking about it?" Lowri asked.

"Snape hates Gryffindor." An older ginger boy sat on her right.

"Does anything he can to take points!" Another, identical ginger boy sat on her left. She looked between them both, then at Ron.

"They'r-" Ron began.


"And Fred!"

"Lively couple aren't you?" Lowri smirked.

"Not a prankster are you?" Fred asked, nudging her in the side.

"We need new recruits!" George added.

"Actually I just stopped pranking last week, such a shame, you just missed me!" Lowri chuckled, nudging Fred back in the side as hard as she could, as Fred had made her drop the pear.

"What do you mean 'recruits?'" Ron questioned his brothers.

"We need successors!" George said, ruffling Ron's hair.

"To pass our genius to!" Fred finished, stealing a piece of Ron's bacon.

"Well, I'm not a prankster myself but I enjoy them, ask me again in a year or two and maybe I'll let you teach my something!" She winked at the boys, playfully.

"Don't encourage her! Lowri please don't turn against me!" Ron pleaded.

Lowri just laughed and her and Hermione left early for their next class, Charms.

A/N sorry this is a very short chapter.

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