Chapter 9: Training with Falcon

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         "WHAT!" Jody Summer exclaimed. She was reacting to Ace Winters' request. "You want Lily Flyer to train with you?" "C'mon Jody," Ace begged. "It'll be great!" "What you're asking is not great," the woman told Ace. "Lily works at the G.S.F.S., that's basically another job." "Jody, you're Miss Galactic Space Federation, can't you make it happen?" Ace asked. "Not as easy as you think," the woman shook her head. The young racer didn't understand how difficult it would be for Lily's schedule. "You recruited me for a reason," Ace said. "I want to fulfill whatever reason you think it is. Please Jody? Please?" Jody sighed, Ace was very persistent. "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, get back to your training."

"Okay!" Ace smiled. As soon as Ace left, Jody did some thinking. She did let Captain Falcon know the other night that she wanted him to train Ace. Jody personally thought Ace had as much potential as Falcon himself. He just needed it brought out the right way. Jody nodded, her decision made. She would head to Port Town and see Captain Falcon about Ace. She took the White Cat to Port Town, she didn't let anyone know where she was going. She had her own good reasons for it. Jody Summer was the only other being in the Universe who knew where exactly Falcon's base was, the first being Captain Falcon. She parked her machine a block away from an alley, then headed down it. Jody Summer stopped in the middle of the alley and faced a wall. A scanner appeared and scanned her face, recognizing her, it opened a secret door to let her through.

She walked down the hallway of Captain Falcon's headquarters until she reached the garage. Jody found Captain Falcon nearby the Blue Falcon, giving it a nice polish. Falcon immediately noticed her there, it wasn't much of a shock that she got in to him. He had already programmed his security to recognize her retina. "What is it Jody?" Captain Falcon said taking a break from polishing. He now walked over to face Jody. "I need you to train Ace Winters and Lily Flyer today," Jody said. "Why can't you do it?" Falcon asked. "I have an old enemy I'll be busy tracking down," Jody explained. "Octoman." This was not in Captain Falcon's agenda, he was planning on hitting the streets to search for bounty. Nonetheless, he agreed. "Okay", he spoke. "But if a bounty comes up, I need to move out." "Then take the rookies with you Douglas," Jody insisted. "They may be young, but they can be pretty resourceful."

With that, Jody left Captain Falcon's Base. The Bounty Hunter's gaze followed her. After she left, he hopped in his machine and revved the engine.


Ace Winters and Lily Flyer were waiting at Mute City for Jody Summer. Jody had communicated with Ace and told him to get Lily and meet her outside of HQ. It was tough for Ace to convince Admiral Graves to let her go, mostly because he had to tell him that Captain Falcon was outside his HQ and giving autographs. "Where is she?" Lily wondered. "It's okay, she's coming," Ace replied looking at his futuristic watch. He was wondering how long she would take. Suddenly, a machine stopped in front of the teens, of course they were shocked to see Captain Falcon. "Hey kids," Falcon said. "Jody Summer is currently busy with another assignment, would you mind settling for me today?" "YES!" Lily exclaimed. "Any Day!" Ace said in excitement. "Get in your machines," Falcon smirked. "We got some training to do."

The two rookies followed the F-Zero legend, their training had begun, and it would be amazing.


Captain Falcon led the rookies through Red Canyon. The destination he was taking them too required they pass through here. Falcon personally hoped he would not run into his Arch-Rival Samurai Goroh, but even Captain Falcon wasn't that lucky. Loud screaming erupted in the canyon and several men blocked all three machines. "Oh no!" Ace wailed. He knew exactly what was happening. Samurai Goroh and his gang of thieves had come. "The last race you won was rigged!" Samurai Goroh hollered at Captain Falcon. Next to Goroh was his son Dai Goroh. Dai Goroh quickly ran up to the Green Amazone. "Nice machine!" He exclaimed touching the exterior of the cockpit. "Hands off," Ace warned. "Or what?" Dai taunted Ace. "You're in Red Canyon now, you're not on Federation grounds!" "Whaddya say we race for your machines?" Goroh said. "The guys' machines that is, the girl can keep her tacky one." Lily grumbled. "Do we have a choice?" Ace asked the thieves. "OF COURSE NOT!" Dai Goroh remarked. Captain Falcon never backed down from a challenge. "Let's do it," He said. Since she was not participating, Lily stepped out of her machine. "Lay one finger on her and you answer to me," Ace threatened Goroh's gang. "First team to that checkpoint, are the winners!" Samurai Goroh said pointing to two flags which were four miles away. The flags had the symbol of his gang on them. The Gorohs got in their machines: Samurai Goroh in the Fire Stingray and Dai Goroh in the Silver Rat. "Good Luck Ace," Lily quietly said to herself.

"Falcon, I don't think I stand a chance against these guys!" Ace said through the comlink. "Don't doubt yourself," Captain Falcon responded. "Just follow my lead." "I'm also here too!" Lily spoke through the com system. "I may not be racing, but I can give support." The four pilots started their engines and rose. The countdown began 3..2..1...GO! Since they weren't in on actual track race ground, they immediately had boost power. The Gorohs blasted out front, they were determined to dominate this race. "They're going to tag-team," Captain Falcon told Ace. "Watch your twelve." Ace nodded in compliance, but that was the least of his worries. He noticed that Goroh's gang had begun pushing giant boulders on the track. They were hoping to take out Ace and Falcon making it tough. "Ace!" Lily spoke up. "Here's where your acceleration comes in handy!" Ace Winters now just realized it. "Thanks Lily!" He said. Captain Falcon noticed that the Gorohs were not able to dodge all the boulders.

They were taking beatings from most of them. The only problem that Ace Winters and Captain Falcon had, was that every time the thieves would take damage and fall behind, they would boost ahead again. "Captain, I got an idea!" Ace shouted. He quickly swerved to the right, and in quick motion, he briefly bounced over the edge and back again. This technique gave the Green Amazone boost. "Great Idea kid!" Captain Falcon said. Now both of them were doing it and gaining more speed. Dai Goroh checked behind him and noticed the other team catching up. "What are they doing?!" He exclaimed. He was in a mix of confusion and shock. "Who cares? Go faster!" his Father commanded. The Gorohs boosted as much as they could, but the Blue Falcon and the Green Amazone passed them up quickly.

"Come on catch up!" Dai Goroh shouted. "Don't order me! I'm YOUR father!" Samurai Goroh shouted. The Gorohs had now used up all their boost, and at that moment the biggest boulder they had ever seen rolled in front of them. The thieves slammed into the boulder causing them to stop. Both of them quickly jumped out of their burning machines, leaving Ace Winters and Captain Falcon to cross the finish line and win. "You did it! You guys did it!" Lily Flyer exclaimed. She had now caught up to the two in her machine. The rest of Gorohs gang wailed. "Thanks," Captain Falcon said. "I couldn't have done it without Ace." "And I couldn't have done it without you," Ace said to Lily. He smiled at her and she smiled back. "NEXT TIME FALCON!" Goroh hollered in anger as the three racers left Red Canyon.

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