Chapter 8: God has a plan

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Chapter 8:

"Yet God has made everything beautiful for it's own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from the beginning to end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11.

Have you ever read a book starting in the middle? What would happen if you baked a cake, but started by doing step 4. Or played a video game starting with the last level.

It just would not make sense. You would need the whole picture, every chapter, every page, every step, every level has a purpose and works together for an amazing result. And the only one that knows how it will all fit together is the chef, the author, the creator.

You can trust God's plan for your life, just as you would trust the story, the recipe, and the adventure. God knows exactly where every piece of the puzzle is, and when he is going to put it into action. And soon enough you will start to notice what God wants for you. And you will then have an incredible result. Even if you don't understand in the moment, you can trust that God has it all under control.

When you talk to God today, think about how He brought you to where you are today. Allow your past to give you confidence and trust in your Creator.

I am so sorry for the extremely short chapter, I've had a really busy week. Hopefully next week's chapter is longer... Love you all!!!!! xx

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