~When the authors spell characters' name wrong.
Ex-Pürsée Jackasunn, Anabethe Casee, Grovur Endurwud
I'm pretty sure that's not even English
Ex-Hi, I'm Luna Artemis Apollo Is Cool Crepes Chocolate Caramel Food Is Bæ Hello Fans Closet Coffee Is Life PSLs Are Here Moon.
Seriously??????? 0_0
~The names are ALWAYS related to the Godly Parent.
Ex= Poseidon's Kid= Hi, I'm Aqua Blue Green Wave Sea Ocean Fishies Are Cool Jackson, Oh and the child of Poseidon is always like-I'm Pürsée Jackasunn's long-lost twin sister/brother. I'ms so cool, wannabe my friend?
Artemis' Kid(We'll get to it later, kids. Be patient.)=HAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Luna Selene Bow Arrow Pig Dog Boar Hunter Moon Shadow Other Random Things And The Last Name Has To Be Moon.
My Reaction: Wait, what was her name again?
~Bad Grammar.
Ex- HAI!!!! Mah namee eez Acueh Blu Gree Wav Se Oshun Fishis Ar Col Watur Leuh Vadz Ez Bæ Chx Mx Ze Athr Ez Runin Ot Ov Idas Fod Wafls Blu Fod OMG Ter's Nico di Anglo Jasne Grac Ez No Hot Y R U Aliv Celipsuh Jackasunn. I is ze loong loost sisture ov Persée Jakasunn. I ez sirten nd en medl skol nd en ais grad.
Can you read that? I can't. You probably can't either.
So that's the first chapter! I hope you liked it!!!! :) Sorry if it's too short, I'll try to make the next chapters longer. :P