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Jackson. I had been in "love" with him for the first two years of middle school and he had never liked me back. I was obsessed and it was bad, I talked about him all the time and he was all I thought about. Jackson and Josh were best friends and so I would see Jackson a lot and for a while we were friends but I began to be too obsessed with him and he began hating me. For weeks we didn't talk at all, but eventually when we did start to talk, all he did was make fun of me.

   "Josh why are you even friends with her she is so weird" I heard Jackson ask Josh one day after school.

    Josh whipped around and punched Jackson right in the face, knocking him to the ground.

   " What the hell was that for?!" Jackson shouted trying not to cry.

    "Don't you dare make fun of her you would be so lucky as to date her. I'm in love with her and yet she chose you, the just you could do is treat her right" Josh screamed before running away.

     Nobody was as shocked as I was I never thought that Josh had feelings for me at all. I had once had a crush on him when we first started to become friends but I never thought that he would like me

     That night I texted Josh, he didn't knew that I had heard what he said about me but I wanted to knew if he really meant it.

  * hey what happened between you and Jackson?*

   *He just made a stupid remark and needed to be out in his place and I just happened to be the one to do it*

   *what did he say? was it about me?*

   * no it was just something rude he said about girls*

   *oh ok*

  Josh clearly did not want to tell me his feelings for me or he hadn't actually had then to begin withand for the rest of the year I never tried to get it out of him again, he was like a big brother to me. He was always there for me to listen to what I had you say and he would threaten anyone who was being mean to me.

   Jackson however wanted revenge, so he used the one thing he knew mattered to Josh against him, me. About a week after Jackson and Joshs' fight, Jackson started flirting with me and being nicerr to me then he ever had been.

    He continued being flirtatious and sweet for weeks and each week Josh got more and more weird about me because he thought that it was weird that Jackson was suddenly being nice to me. I was completely smitten, and didn't listen to Matt's warnings at all.

    Josh and I always met up at the end of the day to say goodbye to each other but one day, Jackson asked me to meet him outside on the back field after school so I had to tell Josh that I couldn't meet up with him, and he only looked worried, no matter how much I tried to comfort him he would have none of it.

   All day Jackson was all that I could think about. I thought that maybe he was going to kiss me or that he would finally ask me out after weeks of flirting with me. During history, the girl next to me passed me a piece of paper that was all folded up with my name on the front.

    It read:

     Don't forget about our meeting this afternoon ;) and you might want to let Josh know what you will be doing so that he won't be worried about where you are :) can't wait to finally be alone with you.

~ Jackson

    I smiled at Jackson and he winked back. At lunch, I showed the note to Josh to show him that he had nothing to worry about but the note made Josh me worried.

   At the last bell I ran down the stairs and it the door to meet Jackson. I was so excited to see what he wanted. As soon as I pushed through the doors I saw Jackson standing there waiting for me looking perfect. He smiled when he saw me and reached out and gave me a hug. After talking to me for a few minutes. He closed his eyes and leaned in and I realized that he was going to kiss me. Just as I leaned on to kiss him, I heard the doors bang open and Jackson pulled away and looked over with a huge smile on his face.

    Running toward us at full speed was Josh, he looked very angry and Jackson seemed to be loving it.

   "What do you want with her??" Josh screamed at him.

    "I just want her to be my girlfriend" Jackson replied calmly.

    My heart soared I had waited so long to hear him say that and now finally he was saying it but for some reason Josh still looked upset.

   "Why are you doing this? You don't even like her! And you know that I do!" Josh screamed back.

    "There that's what I wanted her to hear. Jas I never liked you I did this to make him as upset as he did the day he punched me in front of everyone. Sorry I used you but it had to be done. "

    I was devastated. I didn't know what to say so I ran and I could hear someone coming after me but I didn't stop until I got home. Josh and I talked and decided nit to ruin our friendship by dating and him and Jackson are no longer friends. To this day Jackson and I still hate each other, he hurt me I was depressed for almost a month and cried over him for days. To this day Josh hasn't let me forget how hurt I got by liking the wrong guy.

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