Chapter 7 - Who am I...Really ?

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The three words that best describe me right now I'm not too sure what's even happening but I feel as if I'm drowning - I can feel my breath slowly slip away from me now I remember I fainted after Itachi kissed me and I fell in the lake. I guess I'm not as strong as I say I am all those years and still I can't forget these absurd feelings why?

I thought I could do this but I've been fooling myself all along I'm weak, pathetic, stupid and incompetent Kakashi was right I'll never be a great shinobi who even am I anymore..........


But yet somewhere inside me I do know who I am I'm The Mist - The Stormbringer and I AM STRONG

My body is steel.

My heart is stone.

I do not feel things as useless as love or mercy I complete my mission because I can and that's all this is a mission - nothing more and nothing less. I've never failed a mission and I'm not about to start now so no matter how I may have felt I am no longer the same person I was ten years ago I'm stronger than that I no longer feel anything towards Itachi Uchiha - nothing. I'm not the person he loves or wants and no matter how angry that may make me I will accept his decision and get over it because it means nothing anymore I neither want love or need it. I don't need anyone but myself I depend on no one but myself that's the only way to stop yourself from hurting don't let anyone close enough because people can't be trusted - People are monsters they gain your trust , your loyalty.... your love just so they can smash it all right in front of you knowing that you'll hurt they cause pain to their loved ones for satisfaction just like Kakashi and Itachi and my father at least Orochimaru made his desires for me known and made it clear from the very being that he felt no sentimental feelings towards me at all - I was just his perfect weapon - perfect experiment - his first success and I'm fine with that he taught me how to be strong he taught me how to use my kekki Genkai and although I've not fully unlocked It's true potential with his help I'll surely do so with ease - he saved me and as much as I hate to admit it I'd be nothing If it weren't for him so I will complete this mission to prove to him that I can change - that all the training he taught me was not a waste of his time but more of an investment into something greater than even him - something stronger than him because one day I'll pay him the greatest respect of killing him and show him how good of a teacher he really is and I'll prove that I Yuki Hatake am a better shinobi than my father and my brother I will make everyone in this damned village feel the same sting of rejection and pain they inflicted on me I'll make them feel my pain and then they'll understand how it felt but It'll be too late because by then I will have killed all their loved ones and make them watch and then slowly I'll squeeze their last breathe from their useless and inferior bodies because I can.

"Yuki wake up"

That sounds like Itachi.

"Come on please open your eyes"

Where did all this light come from.

"I think he's waking up"

Wait who's he taking to - it doesn't matter I just need to remember this is just a mission another step towards my ultimate goal. I CAN DO THIS.

"Yuki your finally awake"

I opened my eyes to see Itachi looking worried and soaked I'm guessing he jumped in after me - of course he did.

"Thank goodness we were worried sick"

I slowly looked to my left and now I was staring right into the eyes of her  - the first person I plan to kill Izumi Uchiha. It's going to take a lot to refrain from cutting her head off right now.

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