Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Blaze's Pov


Rachel came and pickedme up early from school, after what happened at school. my mother just arrived and right know, i am flipping.

she holds up her hands as i pace the living room, from one wall to another, and says

"calm down baby----we have some things to explain to you".

i instantly stop pacing and cross my arms over my chest as i stare at her. she clears her troat before she says

"the thing that attacked you today-was something called a distroyer. they are where sent to distroy the guardians of England--um you--they can take anyform really---a human, boy or girl--any kind of body they want---but when the time comes they turn into these demon like creatures--they will take every chance they get to kill you---they wanna please thier leader the Atrox--their out for your blood honey".

i continue to stare at her for a mintue before, uncrossing my arms with a loud painful sigh and-say

"what are we going to do---i mean your not going to let me die right---your my mom".

she chuckles and slowly stands up from the couch and walks to me gripping my shoulders. she smiles and says

"i have some people here-who are willing to train you---you need to know how to fight".

my eye brows arch and she lets go of my shulders and she stands next to me and we both stare at the kitchen's entrance. i swear i think my heart stopped. my hands start to sweat when i hear the sliding glass door, that leads to the back yard, open. some one steps into the kitchen, or should i say someone's.

i shake my head as i look them up and down. i cross my arms over my chest as i mumble

"you've got to be kidding me'.

Emily's the first to step up. she smirks and says

'every one's not always who they say they are".

*later on that day*

we all walk down a narrow hallway, Dustin and Alice in the back of me and Needy and Jesse in front of me and Emily leading the way. where are we you may ask well to be real, i dont know either.

first where in my living room, then the book shelf in the living room is sliding to the side, and next thing i know where walking down a ark narrow brick hallway, the only light is the torches on the wall.

its weird how different my so called friends look know, from how they looked before. Emily's wearing some black leather pants with a tight black leather shirt, with a white belt hanging off her waist, and to finish her bad girl look she has on some black high heel boots with her hair curled to the side in a dangerous way.

next is Needy. oh Needy. she's not wearing her glasses. her hair is pulled into a perfect pony tail and she's wearing some black leather shorts with a black leather shirt, a white belt hanging on her hips, and finally some ankle high heel boots.

Alice is wearing a black leather skirt with a well a black leather shirt and a white belt hanging off her waist, with some black boots. her face stone hard her walk feeled with ease.

the boys really look the same, just meaner and stronger. they are really starting to terrify me. out of no where they all not making me bump into Needy and Jesse. Jesse chuckles a little, and Needy smacks his arm, making him stop instantly stop.

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