Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

i walk down the empty hallway, looking down at the paper in my hands, with my classes on them. im so glad im out of that office, the principal is so, weird. she tried to show me pictures of her cats.

i look at the numbers on the doors as i slowly continue to pass them. 124, 125, 126, ah finally classroom 127.

i straighten up, dusting off my clothes and take a deep breathe, before i reach out, gripping the door knob. i swing open the door, with a smile and.......


some thing explodes sending me flying back. i land hard on my back, the air knocking right out of my lungs, i groan in pain.

smock rises out of the classroom, and a tall skinny man with short brown hair and thin black glasses, stumbles out of he classroom, coughing as he fans the smock away.

he instantly stops when he see's me lieing on the floor, and he smiles akwardly as he says in a deep British accent

"oh you must be Blaze Huntington---right".

i fan the smock away from my face and nod sheeplessly. he quickly walks to me and gently helps me up as he says

"sorry about that-some students just dont know when to stop adding chemicals".

i chuckle and say

its ok--im alright-just a little shaken up---that was really pretty cool".

he laughs and says

"well im Mr. Soon-your science teacher".

i smile and say

"well-as you already know im Blaze".

he smiles and says

"Blaze is a very different name--but its ok i like different".

i laugh slightly and he leads me into the foggy classroom, fanning the air, and kids instantly stop fanning the air where they sit at their lab tables, and stare at me.

i wrap an arm around me feeling uncomfortable and Mr. Soon says

"listen up class we have a new student---her name is Blaze".

a girl in the front snorts trying to keep in her laughter, making every one in the class chuckle. i lower my head a little glaring at her.

she has long curly black hair with light green eyes, her slim body at an angle telling me she wants to be noticed by boys.

she tilts her head to the side, making her head fall to the side and says

"what kind of name is that'.

i glare harder, narrowing my eyes at her and say through clenthed teeth

"my name".

i glare harder and Mr. Soon says

"ok Cindy we dont need your questions today".

she shrugs and says

"i was just asking---i think its a dumb name".

Mr. Soon glares at her and says

"that is enough Cindy--i dont wanna hear anothe word out of your mouth---got-it".

she smirks and does that zipping your mouth motion and leans back in her chair, rolling her eyes. Mr. Soon sighs and says

"would any one like to be her partner today".

i girl at the back raises her hand and i look at Mr. Soon and he nods at me. i slowly make my way to the girl at the back and sit in the empty chair by her.

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