New world?

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A/N- I am so sorry for my extended hiatus. I will update again soon and hopefully a lot more frequently. Thank you for your continued support.
                            Rileys' POV
Lucas walked in shortly after Maya left. She had wanted to stay but she had to get back to work. I had asked to talk to him as soon as he got home. We sat on the couch and I told him all about the promotion and London.
                         Lucas' POV
"Let's do it." "you want to go to London?" "of course. I want to support you in everything. If this is what you want, then I say we go." "what about your job?" "my job isn't going to lead to a great career but yours can. My life can wait for a year" "you're sure?" I chuckled before pulling her closer to me. "Yes and you know why? Because I love you" I knew she'd keeping asking because she felt guilty about me putting my life and hold for a year so I spoke again before she could. "Have I ever told you the story of when I knew I loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you?" she shook her head. "We had gone to the drive-in and when we pulled into your apartment complex, I got Out to open your door and walk you to your apartment but instead of getting out you kept staring out of the windshield. You didn't even look at me as you spoke softly 's we have to go in? I want to look at the stars a bit longer' 'of course' I had said and kissed you before opening my tailgate and laying a blanket across it. We say there and watched the stars for an hour and the whole time I'm thinking about how big the world is and wondering what my pace in it Will be. No matter what I was doing or where I lived you were always there. In fact you were the only thing that stayed constant In the many alternatives that came to my mind" she had tears in her eyes and refused to speak "new York, London, it's all the same to me as long as you're there with me. Forever" "this is a big decision..." she spoke. "If it's what you want than it's what I want too." "I love you." she murmured. "I love you too"I said almost being cut off by her kiss.

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