The jacket

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I was out shopping with Riley when I felt my phone go off. It was Josh, He had been in Pennsylvania visiting his family, and was supposed to be going home tonight. Hey babe. I replied quickly Hey what's up? His response was immediate I have bad news. I typed back concerned what's wrong? Again his reply was almost immediate I know we had plans tonight to go to that art museum but the weather here is too bad for me to drive home. It's not expected to clear up until late tomorrow night. He had been gone a whole week but I miss you :/ I replied. I miss you too, Maya. I told him to stay safe before turning my attention back to shopping with Riley I went home later that evening and fell asleep, exhausted. I woke up and went over to Riley and Lucas' to help with wedding plans. All day I was waiting for a text from Josh to text me saying he was leaving Philadelphia but it never came. I went home later in the evening and began dozing off to a movie. I was awoken by tapping on the window. I opened the window to reveal a soaking wet Josh (I guess it had begun to storm after I'd fallen asleep) holding red roses "Josh?" I whispered not wanting to ruin the moment. "You've always said you wanted to be 'pretty womaned' I thought this might make up for missing our date two nights ago" I kissed him both thanking him for the gesture and letting him know I wasn't upset about the missed date. He pulled back and as he examined me his facial expression changed "is that the jacket I let you borrow when we walked around the park?" It was. "No" I scoffed. It was comfy and had become my favorite jacket. He saw right through me though "you told me you lost it" "I did" I teased. He pulled me in for a kiss, with me not noticing his hands slipping under the bottom of the jacket. I was too into the kiss to realize his plan and stop him from flipping up the bottom of the jacket, revealing the tag he had written his initials on with sharpie. Instead of addressing it I pulled him back in for another kiss. After a few seconds he pulled away and laughed "you can keep the jacket"

A/n- sorry that this is a day late hope you enjoy it! Already finished with the next chapter so it won't be late this time! Also, for you Rucas fans we are back to Rucas moments next chapter!

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