Part 4

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8 days after fight

Annabeth's POV

I'll be waiting for you in Elysium.

Those were the words that swirled around inside my head. Over and over. Percy was gone and there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe I should just end my mystery now, that way, at least we would be together. I haven't left my room for eight days. I cry myself into an exhausted and fitful sleep every night. Everynow and then, I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, and I have to admit, I look like death. My hair was a mess of tangles and nots. My eye's were sunken and my bags the size of Pluto. My once startling grey pupils were now red and bloodshot. Last night, I had a dream, well, more like a nightmare. It was Percyh's death replayed and replayed. Over and over and over. I woke up in a cold sweat with Piper knocking on my door, asking if I was okay. I had been calling out Percy's name and no.

I was not okay.

Not by a long shot.

**2 days later**

Jason's POV

I looked down over the Long Island Sound. I was standing on the helm as Leo guided us down to the water. I stared at the beach at Camp Half-Blood, and saw the sea of orange and purple camp shirts. I could see the Athena Parthenous standing on Half Blood Hill, almost like she was guarding the borders. As we sped towards the dock, the cheering finally reaches my ears. The others came out onto the deck and I was surprised to see Annabeth standing slightly behind everyone else. I could tell she was trying to put on a brave face, but still saw the sadness and heart break in her eyes. We stepped onto the dock and were swarmed by campers. "Congratulations!", "you did it!" and "Woohoo!" we're all that could be heard until one voice drowned out the rest. "Where's Percy!?" Tyson bellowed, the crowd instantly became quiet and I glanced at Annabeth. I saw the first tear fall, and she leaned onto Hazel, sobbing uncontrollably. There was a bright flash, and I looked up to see Poseidon standing there, pale as a ghost, tears streaming down his face. I could feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks, and saw it was happening to everyone, even Clarrisse, but she wiped them quickly away. Chiron galloped, noticed the crying and saw that Percy was not here, his face fell. In the silence, I got up the courage to talk. "We need a shroud," my voice broke and I let out a sob, "A shroud for the son of Poseidon."

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