9: I've given you my heart to break

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(jinxx POV)

all of us sat in a shocked silence as I pulled up into Andy's driveway.

"wow" ashley says.

"why'd you lie to us,saying she wanted nothing do to with you?" jake asks.

I thought about it for a moment.

"because I didn't want to ruin the moment...plus, I didn't want to bring the thought of her back into my mind.."

"oh.." jake frowns.

"how are you going to tell her shes pregnant?" anna asked with an eyebrow raised.

"to be completely honest I don't know. im really freaking out and slowly running out of time.." I frown.

"do you want us to tell her?" ashley suggested.

I shook my head. " if anyone's going to tell her, its going to be me."

"what is she going to do about school?" andy asks.

shit!...I totally forgot about that...

I thought for a moment.

"im going to convince her to go back the same day that annabelle goes for her first day."

they all nodded in agreement.

"what about her 'friends'?" jake asks with concern clear in his voice.

I shrug. "ill deal with them when the moment arises."

"alright then.lets go inside and see how shes doing, shall we?" andy says as he opened the passenger door.

we all nodded and got out of the car then went inside.

as I entered the living room I hear the faint sound of vomiting coming from the hallway bathroom.

moments later cc comes out, holding his nose.

"jinxx, your girlfriend has some serious health problems..ive never seen anyone puke that much after drinking.." he said in complete disgust.

"anyways, I gave her a shit ton of water so she should be somewhat sober now." he added.

I thanked him for taking care of saphire and he just smiled and sat on the couch.

I went straight to the bathroom where saphire was and found her sitting down while hugging the toilet..

I stood in front of the sink and closed the door behind me.

"love, why do you keep doing this to yourself?" I say.

she stayed silent and didnt turn to face me after she momentarily finished vomiting.

"im trying my best to keep you healthy and happy...and it seems like you could care less about anything im trying to do." I frowned.

"its not like I dont care.because I do...if I didn't then I wouldn't be here with you."

"that may be so but that still doesn't mean you could go around drinking every single problem away..what if something bad happens and you cant fix it?"

"like what?"she raised her voice a little.

"like having unprotected sex and getting pregnant." I said in the spur of the moment.

I froze the second I realized what I had said.

"trust me, it hasn't happened and it never will."

I relaxed a bit at her response but I knew she was completely wrong about it.

"dont be so sure, saphire. I remember every morning after you drank, you couldnt remember shit.what makes you think you haven't already done it?"

"because I'm not fucking pregnant, jinxx.and even if I was, dont you think it would've shown by now?..dont be soo damn ignorant!"

I clenched my fists. "I dont think im the ignorant one here..tell me honey,whos the one hugging the toilet? hmm?"

"oh, fuck you! I have a couple of drinks with an old friend and all of a sudden I'm the bad guy?! well you know what honey, fuck you!"she said right before puking in the toilet again.

my anger peaked, surprisingly for the second time today.

"im just trying to fucking help you, saphire! because I fucking love and care about you and our future but obviously you dont see that soo I guess..fuck you too!" I yelled at her before storming out of the house and towards my car before I had the chance to see her reaction...or the reaction of everyone else who was listening in on us, for that matter.

in all honesty I was furious.

not just at her either..mostly at myself for even getting involved with her and thinking I could try to help her.

she obviously doesnt care about herself enough to let me help her get back to health.

hell! I practically told her the truth and she just fucking blew it off!!...

drunk or not, she needs someone who can get through to her better than i can...

I started the car and drove off.

saphire can find her own way back home..she doesnt need me and ive had enough of her for one night anyway...

once I got home, I got undressed and went straight to bed, hoping I could just fall asleep and wake up from this stupid nightmare so it'll all be over...

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