Chapter Six

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"What the hell Olin?!" She continued to yell at me. "We have to take her home. Her mother keeps blood in the freezer constraints."

I was confused but also panicked. I picked her up and ran out of the store, out of the mall, and down the road to her house.

once I arrived Calli and Mrs. Watts were in the kitchen getting things ready.

'I told her she cut herself on the door, I cleaned up your mess and made a cut on her arm.' I heard her say in my mind. I looked down and the bite marks were gone but there was a huge gash in her right fore arm.

I laid her on the bar and stripped her shirt off. She looked beautiful.

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"Oh yes sweety, she will be fine. Now go into her room and find me a shirt for her to wear when we are done.

I moped up the stairs. Promising myself not to drink for her again. Once I got to her room I opened her closet door. Clothes everywhere. I smiled.

I found a white shirt with a crab on the front right side pocket and on the back it said, "I got my crabs from dirty dicks." I laughed harder and decided on it.

When I got back downstairs they were done. She was laying there pale. Looking around and sipping water from a straw slowly.

"Olin?" She sat up quickly and swayed, her mother pushing her back down.

"Olin could you carry her up to her bed please? And help her with her shirt too. Calli, could you be a doll and go get Jameson?" I nodded and so did Calli. I scooped Salem up in my arms and headed back upstairs. She snuggled into me.

I laid her in her bed and put her shirt on her. As I lifted myself up and began to stand she pulled me back down.

"Don't ever think of leaving me." She whispered. I leaned down and kissed her lightly. Afraid of hurting her.

"Sleep love. You have a big night tonight."

"It's only 11 in the morning." She pouted.

" I'll be back at for to wake you, the dinner starts at seven." I kissed her forehead and closed her curtains. Her room becoming pitch black.

"See ya Olin." She said before falling asleep.

"Sweet dreams princesses."

"Thank you, Olin. She likes you and you seem like a gentle man." Her mother said once I made it back to the kitchen.

"No problem Mrs. Watts. You're daughter is an incredible girl and I'm lucky to have met her." I smiled, I leaned towards the door.

"Do come back, we could use more hands around her, that girl is wild." I smiled once again and nodded, she gave me a quick hug and I walked out of her house.

Now what an I going to do for five hours?

Salem's POV

"Please, Please don't kill me." I begged but he couldn't hear me. I couldn't hear me. I was trapped here.

"Help! Somebody please." I am seriously scared.

"Salem?" I heard someone say my name faintly.

"Please help me!!!" I screamed.

"Wake up, Please wake up." It was a guy's voice.


"Princess please wake up." His voice was sad.

"I'm here!!!" I couldn't move or breath here.

I opened my eyes and he was hovering above me. I smiled and wraped my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I began to cry.

"I'm here love." He rubbed small circles in my back to calm me down. I looked at him and kissed him. he began to real kisses down my jaw and to my neck, breathing me in. I flinched.

He stopped and it made me sad.

"I'm so sorry." I heard him say, I blinked and he was gone.

Calli walked in. "Awake already?"

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