(1) Moving In

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Hope you guys enjoy da book! Sorry for deleting my first one, I thought it was trash, so here's a new one!

Your P.O.V

I am finally moving out of my small apartment and into a nice house! My Best Friend, Katelyn, is going to be living next to me with her two other roommates, who I can't wait to meet. I've been saving up for a while now and I can finally afford it! I brought my dog D/N to the car and we drove off. Once we arrived at the house, I just stood there admiring the place even if I had a tour of it already. I just couldn't believe I was leaving my small apartment. I walked up to the door and went inside. D/N was jumping around and suddenly ran outside. "D/N! Hey, girl/boy where are you going?!" I screamed to D/N. I ran over to her where she was stopped because someone was petting her.

Who does she think she is?

Shut up, she's just petting my dog

So? I don't like her

We are the same person

Whatever, just go over and get D/N

Why do I keep talking to my inner self? "I'm so sorry about my dog, she/he ran off," I apologised. "It's alright, she's/he's adorable! Anyway, my name is Aphmau. You must be the new Neighbour?" Aphmau said. "Yup, I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you," I replied giving a sweet smile. "Are you still packing? If so I would love to help you," She asked. "Oh yes, it's going to take a while, I will take forever if it's just me, thank you," I thanked her. I haven't noticed her dog next to her the whole time. I bent down and pat her. "You are so cute! What's her name?" I asked. "Her names Celeste," she replied. "That's a cute name, anyway let's head inside," She nodded and we went over to my house. "I'm going to call my two other roommates over to help out," Aphmau implied. "That would be awesome!" She ran out of the house and soon came back with two other girls, one with pink hair, cat ears and tail, I believe she is a meif'wa. The other was - Katelyn! "Hey Katelyn! It's nice to see you again," I smiled. "Sup bestie! Nice to see you again," Katelyn replied. "Kawaii~Chan's name is Kawaii~Chan! It's nice to meet you!" Kawaii~Chan spoke in a cheery voice. I found it cute that she spoke in third person. "Hi, it's nice to meet you too," I replied.  "Well I Guess we better start unpacking." I suggested. We all started unloading the other boxes from my car, placing them in the house and sorting out on where to place the furniture.

-time skip-

We finally finished, I flopped onto the couch and sighed. "We finally finished, thank you guys so much for helping me! It really means a lot. How should I repay you?" I asked the girls. What? I want to be a nice Friend. "Oh you don't have too really! We're doing this because we want to help," Aphmau continued, "Well, its getting late, we should head back home. Why not you go and introduce yourself to our other friends. You can meet the guys right next to you on your right." "Sure! Maybe we can hang out some time to get to know each other better?" I requested. "Of course! Bye, see you when we see you again!" I waved goodbye and closed the door behind them.

I checked the time and it was around 6:30 p.m. I'm hungry, I'm going to make some pasta for dinner then watch a movie. I went over to the kitchen and boiled some pasta. I made the sauce and when I was done, I sat down onto the couch and picked out a movie to watch on Netflix.

-time skip-

It was already 9:45 p.m. so I got up, cleaned my bowl and went to my bathroom to shower. Once I finished showering, I changed into my pyjamas, dried my hair, brushed my teeth and plopped onto my bed.

I am so tired after packing all day. I'm going to like it here. I suddenly felt my eyelids getting heavy and soon fell asleep.

Sorry that it's so short! I'm really busy with school so I'm going to try and post as much as possible! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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