(6) A....Date? (Part 1)

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Before I start this chapter....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 views!!!! I never thought this book would get so far! For this, I will give you guys an extra Long chapter :3

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 views!!!! I never thought this book would get so far! For this, I will give you guys an extra Long chapter :3

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F/FL - Favourite Flower

Your P.O.V

I woke up to a bunch of notifications. I checked what they were and they were text messages from Garroth.

Y-You G-Garroth
G: Hey!
G: Good Morning 😊
G: Hello?
G: Y/N?
G: Are you sleeping?
G: Yeah....you're sleeping...sorry...
Y: Heyo!
G: Hi!
Y: Sorry, I just woke up
G: Knew it! Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?
Y: Sure. What time? And where?
G: Meet me and my house at...let's say.....11?

It was 9:30. I have enough time to get ready and have some breakfast.

Y: Lovely :3
G: You're....lovely
Y: Wait what?......
G: See you! Byeeee
Y: GARROTHH!!!!!! Don't let goooooo!!! I'll never let goooo!!!
(Reference? :3)
Lovely? Why did he call me lovely? Nevermind that. I went to the bathroom to do my normal bathroom needs and went to change into my clothes.

 I went to the bathroom to do my normal bathroom needs and went to change into my clothes

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Here is your outfit. Just change it to your Favourite Colour :3 You don't need the bag :3

I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast and give D/N some dog food. Of course, the dog is the first priority. I poured some dog food into D/N's bowl and she/he ran over and sat down. "You can eat now," I told her. She went and chomped down on her food. So cute!!! I went to the kitchen and made breakfast. I was too lazy to make proper breakfast so I just made cereal. I Guess you could call me a....cereal killer. (Get it ;3) I laughed to myself like I always do because I'm forever alone and brought my cereal to the couch to watch some television. When I finished my cereal, I looked at the time and realised that it was time to go. I washed my bowl and put it in the dish washer. "Bye D/N! I'll be back soon," I waved to D/N and walked out of the house and over to the guy's house. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before the door opened to reveal Garroth. "Oh good, you're here!" Garroth said and opened the for wider for me to walk in. I walked in and saw Travis and Laurance on the couch. They turned and immediately smiled. "Hey Laurance. Hey Trav," I said and smiled. "Hey Y/N!" Laurance waved. "Hey Cutie~" Travis said. I giggled. "What are you doing here?"Lauranced asked. "Garroth invited me to hang out," I replied. "Can we join?" Trav asked. Right when he said that, front he corner of my eye, I saw Garroth's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house, running to who knows where. "Woah! Garroth! Where are we going?!" I yelped. He just kept quiet until we stopped near the park. I was panting a little from all that running. What? It may be walking distance but it's still running! "Why did you run away from them when Travis' asked if they could join?" I asked. He blushed. "Umm...I-it's b-because....I w-want to be with y-you...a-alone," he stuttered. Why does he sound so cute when he stutters?! "Really?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled. "Come, follow me," he grabbed my hand and brought me somewhere. We ended up at the mall. "Want to have brunch? It's not really twelve yet so..," he asked. "Sure. I won't eat much since I kind of ate breakfast before I left," replied. We walked into the mall and decided to eat at a little cafe.

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