(9) To the Beach!

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Hey guys! After reading this, please read the note I left at the bottom, thanks!

Your P.O.V

I look outside my window, admiring the morning sunrise. I sigh, "I am super bored." I was stuck staring outside for so long that I didn't even realise someone calling out to me, "Y/N! Helllooooooooooooo?" I jump. What? I look down to see Laurance, Travis and Garroth looking at me worryingly. "Oh! Hey guys. Sorry, I was staring at the sunrise..." I say, embarrassed."It's okay! We were wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with us?" Laurance informs. My face lights up. The beach is definitely something I would love to go to right now. I'm so bored! "I would love to! When do we go?" I ask. "Once you are ready!" He replies. I nod and run inside my room to find my swimsuit. I pick out my favourite F/C one/two piece swimsuit with a floral pattern and wear it. I wear a pair of shorts and pack my bag with the basic things for a trip to the beach; sunscreen, towel, sunglasses and a water bottle. I say goodbye to my dog D/N and run out the door. I see the guys still waiting outside my house, chatting with each other. "I'm ready guys!" I yell. They turn around and freeze once they see me. I see blush dusted on their cheeks. I giggle.

"Wow..." Is all that Garroth could say. "Woahhhhhh, Cutie! You look gorgeous in that! Do a little twirl," Travis says before getting hit on the head my Laurance. "Come on! The beach is waiting for us!" I say to the guys. "You can go in my car, Y/N," Laurance offers. "Thanks," I reply. Laurance and I walk over to his car and he opens the car door for me. I jump in and he goes to the drivers seat. After a few seconds, I hear the back doors open. I turn to see Aphmau, Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan climb into the car. Wait, they're coming too? Awesome! "Hey Y/N!" The girls say one after the other. "Hey," I simply reply like the boring person I am.

Before we know it, we are at the beach. That was quick. I didn't even realise we were arriving at all. We get out of the car and I see the others. They see us and wave us over. I completely ignore everyone by dumping my things and jumping into the water. I hear the others laughing at me. "What? I was bored! The beach was what I needed," I say.  The others run over and jump into the water to swim with me. We splash the water at each other and play with a beachball. 

After about 10 minutes of swimming and playing, I get out of the water to relax on the sand. I see Zane sitting on a towel under a beach umbrella, getting away from the burning sun. I giggle and run over to him. I sit down next to him and say, "Hey Zane! Why are you sitting here and not joining the others?" He looks over to me and I see a tint of pink on his cheeks. It's a little hard to tell since he has his mask covering his face. "I just don't like the sun, that's all. I have sensitive skin," he claims. "I'll sit here with you, so you don't feel lonely. Is that okay?" I ask. "Of course, go ahead."

We chat for a while before getting hit in the face with water. "Aah!" I yell. I look up to see the guys laughing their heads off. "Why you! Get back here!" Zane growls before chasing after them. I just stare at the stand, trying to figure out what on earth just happened. The girls walk over to me. "Hey Y/N, want to join us for some volleyball?" Katelyn asks. I smile and stand up.

I'm pairing with Aphmau while Katelyn pairs up with Kawaii~Chan. Aphmau serves first and Katelyn hits the ball. I jump and hit the ball over the net. (OK, at this point, I have no idea how a volleyball game works) After a little while of playing, I start the notice the guys staring at us. I just ignore them and continue focusing on the game. The score is now a tie, so Aph and I need to get this point to win since we are getting tired. Aph manages to hit the ball, making it land on the other side of the net, making us win. "Yes!" I cheer, hugging Aphmau. "Yeah! Go Y/N!" The guys say. I just roll my eyes and laugh.

We all just relax and swim for a while more before heading off. Laurance offers to drive me again and I agree. "Today was fun. Thanks for inviting me Laurance," I thank him while we get into his car. "It's no problem, really. I just wanted to spend more time with you, that's all," He says. I smile at him and he smiles back. We just stare into each others eyes before Laurance starts leaning towards me. I notice and snap back to reality. I couldn't help it. I was just too caught in his eyes. They were such a beautiful shade of blue, which goes with him very well. "Woah....ummm..huhuh. We should um..probably go now?" It came out more of a question to be honest. "Oh! Yes! Lets go..." Laurance says awkwardly before starting the car. I sit up and see that the other cars are gone. How long were we in here?

We come to a stop just by my place. "Thanks again, Laurance. For everything today. I was honestly so bored that I could just stare out of that window for the whole day," I say. Laurance smiles, "You know, I planned this day out to the beach just for you." I was a little shocked. So he really wanted me to spend more time with him. That is really sweet. "That's sweet of you, Laurance," I tell him. It was late afternoon, so I thought of a way to thank him. "Do you want to come inside to watch a movie or something?" I ask. His face lights up right when asked him. "Sure! I would love to!" He replies.

We walk into my house and I put all of my things down. D/N runs over to me and gives me kisses. She/He must have missed me so much! I laugh. After settling down, I bring some popcorn to the couch. Laurance and I sit down and look through Netflix. We pick out a good movie to watch. Halfway through the movie, Laurance puts his arm around me and I rest my head on his shoulder. I look up to him to see him blushing a bit. I smile and just continue watching the movie.

We watched movies for a few hours before it got dark. Laurance is now helping me make dinner for the both of us. We sit down to eat our dinner while watching more movies. Later, I start getting tired and fall asleep on Laurances shoulder.

Little did we know that someone was watching us.

Please read the following note :3

FINALLY!!! This chapter took me a long time to write because of how busy I was! (BTW I am now going to write on the computer because my phone keeps making the words bold) It was exams period so I was studying. I couldn't write a single chapter. I really apologise for the long wait, but now I'm on holidays, so I can write more chapters for you guys! YAy! Hope you guys understand!


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